2003.03.20 JST (2003.03.20 UT)

[weather]  fine, cloudy, snowy, fine
[observer] S. UeNo
[note] r,p: Polar-coordinate-expression of the center of the slit.
            r=0: disk center, 
            p=0: direction of the celestial north, anticlockwise is +.
Target A : NOAA0314
Scan along r-direction
 r = 13'40" -> 15'40" (dr=+2")
 p = 232o18'
 slit inclination = 322o18'
 series No.   r     time(UT)
   0312     13'40"  00:23:38
      . . . . . . . . . 
   0332     14'20"  00:31:08
   0334     14'22"  00:32:56
      . . . . . . . . . 
   0362     15'18"  00:46:43
   0364     15'20"  00:48:03
      . . . . . . . . . 
   0370     15'32"  00:50:21
   0372     15'34"  00:51:41
      . . . . . . . . . 
   0375     15'40"  00:52:46
 seeing: 4-8(/10)
 No.0333, 0363, 0371 were removed because of
 clouds' passing.

Target B : NOAA0314
Scan along r-direction
 r = 13'40" -> 15'40" (dr=+2")
 p = 232o18'
 slit inclination = 322o18'
 series No.   r     time(UT)
   0376     13'40"  01:13:19
      . . . . . . . . . 
   0384     13'56"  01:16:28
   0386     13'58"  01:19:51
      . . . . . . . . . 
   0396     14'18"  01:25:10
   0398     14'20"  01:27:42
      . . . . . . . . . 
   0402     14'28"  01:29:17
   0404     14'30"  01:30:37
   0406     14'32"  01:43:54
      . . . . . . . . . 
   0420     15'00"  01:53:35
   0422     15'02"  02:05:26
   0423     15'04"  02:05:47
   0425     15'06"  02:07:29
      . . . . . . . . . 
   0442     15:40"  02:13:46
 seeing: 3-7(/10)
 No.0385, 0397, 0403, 0405, 0421, 0424 were
 removed because of clouds' passing.

Target C : NOAA0314
Scan along r-direction
 r = 14'00" -> 14'30" (dr=+2")
 p = 230o44'
 slit inclination = 320o44'
 series No.   r     time(UT)
   0443     14'00"  06:01:11 
      . . . . . . . . . 
   0458     14'30"  06:07:28
      It became snowy.
 seeing: 3-6(/10)

Target D : NOAA0314
Scan along r-direction
 r = 14'32" -> 14'40" (dr=+2")
 p = 231o16'
 slit inclination = 321o16'
 series No.   r     time(UT)
   0461     14'32"  07:26:03 
      . . . . . . . . . 
   0465     14'40"  07:37:03
       It became cloudy.
 seeing: 2-5(/10)
