Energy Conversion in the Solar Flare due to Direct Electric Fields as a Result of the Sheared Magnetic Reconnection

T. Hirayama (National Astronomical Observatory, Japan)

We propose a new mechanism of the main energy conversion of the solar flare. Because the rising velocity of a flare inducing prominence, or a magnetic flux tube is <300km/s, plasmas below it cannot eject with Alfven velocities of 3000km/s throughout the early phase of flares, but only with Vz〜100km/s. Hence we need other than the slow shock mechanism. When there is a substantial sheared field as expected in every flare, the main energy conversion region cannot be within a plane with horizontal x and vertical z-components to the solar surface; there should be y-components parallel to a long direction of photospheric magnetic neutral line. Then Gauss law leads non-zero electric chargess: 4πσ=divE =-div(V×B)/c 〜 By∂Vz/c∂x. Field- aligned electric fields calculated from the Coulomb law using this σ is far greater than the Dreicer field (By 〜 Bz 〜 40G and dx 〜 10^(3-4) km), and accelerate electrons and protons. Due to large electric fields, incoming horizontal Poynting energy flux in area Sx are immediately converted to a kinetic energy of electron beams along the magnetic field in Sz; Vx B^2 Sx/4π= 1/2 me Nbeam Vbeam^{3} Sz and e.g. Sx/Sz 〜 3. The total flare energy can be supplied by 10-20keV electrons of 1/2 me Vbeam^{2} and nbeam = 2× 10^7 cm^-3 for Vx = 40km/s. This Vx ensures short time scales of flares.


Tadashi Hirayama (, NAOJ

