What we can learn from vector magnetic field measurements about filaments?

B. Schmieder, A. Lopez, G. Aulanier

Theoretical models of filaments have predicted the existence of dips in the magnetic field lines to support the cool material. Condensation would be the mechanism of formation of filaments. Are threads of footpoints or barbs really vertical or is it just due to the accumulation of material in dips one over the other one? The controverse is still alive, filament fine structures are of dynamics nature and injection of cold material (or surges) from the phtosphere would be the proposed mechanism. Measurements of the vector magnetic field in filament channels will be possible with SOLAR B and answer to these questions. Preliminary results have been obtained recently with THEMIS magnetograph, suggesting that dips are really present in filament channel leading to the conclusion that filament should be due to plasma condensation.


Brigitte Schmieder (brigitte.schmieder@obspm.fr), Observatoire de Paris-Meudon

