Solar & Planetary LtE Now in March 2024

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¤••••• Subject : Mars 31 March 0416UT  RGB IR        

Received: 31 March 2024, 20:51 JST


Hi all,

Not the best of seeing this morning, but also not the worst.

A familiar face of Mars looking straight down on Syrtis Major and Hellas.


Best regards, Clyde


Clyde FOSTER (Khomas, NAMIBIA)



¤••••• Subject : Mars 29 March 0434UT  RGB IR        

Received: 29 March 2024, 17:40 JST


Hi all,

I came close to aborting the session this morning due to poor seeing and then suddenly found a short period of decent conditions, allowing this image set produced from single IR, R , G and B captures.

Hellas at upper left and Syrtis Major at lower left.


Best regards, Clyde


Clyde FOSTER (Khomas, NAMIBIA)




¤••••• Subject : Mars 28 March 0419UT  RGB IR        

Received: 28 March 2024, 18:32 JST


Hi all,

Conditions were not as good this morning.

Syrtis Major is at lower left, with Hellas at upper left. Hellas appears to be relatively clear at this stage.


Best regards, Clyde


Clyde FOSTER (Khomas, NAMIBIA)




¤••••• Subject : Mars 27 March 0444UT  RGB IR        

Received: 27 March 2024, 17:29 JST


Hi all,

It was nice to be back on the farm and in the observatory this morning, following a week in South Africa, where I was delighted to meet my first bloodline grandchild.

Conditions were nice, although I had overslept and this is from a single set of data only.

S. Sabeaus and Meridiani extend across the centre of the planet. Hellas is seen at upper left.

Arabia is lower centre, with Syrtis Major on the left limb.


Best regards, Clyde


Clyde FOSTER (Khomas, NAMIBIA)




¤••••• Subject : Mars 16 March 0435UT  RGB IR        

Received: 17 March 2024, 05:09 JST


Hi all,

Mars image set from this morning. Solis Lacus is above centre with Valles Marineris extending in from the centre left to the centre. Nilokeras may just be detected at lower left.


As a side note, after the Mars session and before slewing to Venus, I was able to find Saturn at 12 deg altitude and brightening sky using the IR685 filter. Unfortunately not enough contrast to produce a result. But I anticipate starting Saturn imaging soon.

Best regards, Clyde


Clyde FOSTER (Khomas, NAMIBIA)




¤••••• Subject : Re:Mars 14 March 0436UT  RGB IR

Received: 15 March 2024, 11:04 JST


Hi Clyde,

Rima Austaleus if that is what the dark streak was on the cap would have rotated to the back side of the cap making it hard to see.

Hey, what happened to the infamous dark ark?

Don't change any camera settings or it might reappear.

Good seeing,




Jim MELKA (Chesterfield, MO)




¤••••• Subject : Mars 14 March 0436UT  RGB IR        

Received: 14 March 2024, 22:44 JST


Hi all,

Despite poor conditions this morning, there was some slight improvement towards sunrise which allowed this image set.

M Sirenum is at upper right, with Solis Lacus upper left of centre. The Valles Marineris complex extends in from centre left and is just detectable in the R and IR.


Best regards, Clyde


Clyde FOSTER (Khomas, NAMIBIA)




¤••••• Subject : Re: Mars 11 March 0423UT  RGB IR  

Received: 12 March 2024, 11:50 JST


Hi observers,

The streak might be Rima Australius based on a map of the SPC in the Mars Observer's Handbook.

Good seeing,



Jim MELKA (Chesterfield, MO)




¤••••• Subject : Re: Mars 11 March 0423UT  RGB IR  

Received: 12 March 2024, 09:02 JST


Though less optimally seen on March 11th, the dust streak persists.

Thanks for your continued monitoring of Mars, Clyde.

-- Roger


Roger VENABLE (Chester, GA )




¤••••• Subject : Re: Mars 10 March 0513UT  RGB IR  

Received: 12 March 2024, 08:57 JST


The split in the SPC is possibly a dust streak. This occurs occasionally.

Usually is can be seen for longer than a day, up to a week perhaps.

Let's see how long it lasts.

-- Roger


Roger VENABLE (Chester, GA )




¤••••• Subject : Mars 11 March 0423UT  RGB IR        

Received: 11 March 2024, 18:38 JST


Hi all,

Conditions were a bit better this morning, and I was able to catch Mars earlier, at least giving me some better B data.

Mare Sirenum is above centre with Amazonis extending across the centre of the planet.


Best regards, Clyde


Clyde FOSTER (Khomas, NAMIBIA)




¤••••• Subject : Mars 10 March 0513UT  RGB IR        

Received: 11 March 2024, 15:59 JST


Hi all,

Morning conditions have been poor over this last week (when there has been clear sky), and yesterday morning was no different. They did improve a bit towards sunrise, but this made B captures difficult and the B, in my opinion, is of no real value, although I have included it for the record, and I did use it to put together an RG(B), as best I could.

I note a possible rift in the SPC in the R image, but given the conditions this would need to be confirmed by other images. Anyway, I hope this gives some indication of the planet.


Best regards, Clyde


Clyde FOSTER (Khomas, NAMIBIA)




¤••••• Subject : Mars 3 March 0437UT  RGB IR         

Received: 3 March 2024, 18:19 JST


Hi all,

Mars set from this morning.

M Cimmerium is the dominant dark feature above centre. Elysium is at lower centre, and I believe that Cerebus may just be detected, best seen in the R.

Thanks to those that constructively commented on my previous image set, and I tried to take a bit more care with the processing.


Best regards, Clyde


Clyde FOSTER (Khomas, NAMIBIA)




¤••••• Subject : Mars 1 March 0443UT  RGB IR         

Received: 1 March 2024, 19:30 JST


Hi all,

Mars 1 March. A very pleasant session towards sunrise this morning, with what looked like some fairly decent seeing, despite the altitude.

As I processed, I realised that I might have a challenge, as the G (in all captures) showed a bright limb. So I have presented two results.

The left hand colour image is an R(G)B, produced by generating a synthetic G from the R and B data. This to a large extent bypasses the bright limb in the G. The second colour image is a true RGB, which shows the impact of the bright limb in the G.

I am open to comment and correction, but I suspect the limb brightening may be a result of cloud along the limb that is exacerbated by the processing?

M Cimmerium is at upper left, with M Tyrrhenum at upper right. The two are separated by the light Hesperia at upper centre. Elysium is at lower left.


Best regards, Clyde


Clyde FOSTER (Khomas, NAMIBIA)



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