Solar & Planetary LtE Now for CMO/ISMO #75 (CMO #449)

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¤····Subject: Mars closest approach

Received: 31 May 2016 at 17:03 JST


Hi everyone,


Last night the seeing looked very promising early on in the session but unfortunately it did not last long enough to catch Mars at a higher altitude.

Even so I think this is my best Mars image set to date.


Best regards,


Stefan BUDA (Melbourne, AUSTRALIA)




¤····Subject: Mars 2016/05/30-Kumamori

Received: 31 May 2016 at 15:24 JST


Mars images on 30 May2016.


Teruaki KUMAMORI (Osaka, JAPAN)




¤····Subject: Mars - May 20th, 29th

Received: 31 May 2016 at 08:52 JST


Hi Mr. Minami and All!, Here is my latest and one that I missed from my last post.


Efrain MORALES RIVERA (Aguadilla, Puerto Rico)




¤····Subject: Mars Alerts and recent observations page

Received: 31 May 2016 at 04:13 JST



Thanks to Clyde Foster and Efrain Rivera Morales for their excellent images of the Hellas region. They provide evidence of strong straight-line winds producing waves of dust off of the crater's floor. I think this may be the first time that ALPO has recorded such events. This is exciting to me! The clincher is Clyde Foster's May 9th image showing what was a wave of dust hitting the 6-mile high crater wall. Before these pictures, we would have said that this was a dust storm. 

Please see The Association of Lunar & Planetary Observers ALPO Home Then go to the Mars Section. Or see attachment.

Hellas is in my opinion the biggest source of airborne dust on Mars. Usually they would be dust storms. But this is a different kind of dust event. Good going ALPO observers.

Good seeing,


Jim MELKA (Chesterfield, MO)




¤····Subject: Mars May 10

Received: 31 May 2016 at 03:48 JST


May 10
Those who say it can't be done should stay out of the way of those who are doing it.


Paul MAXSON (Surprise, AZ)




¤····Subject: Mars 2016/05/28 

Received: 31 May 2016 at 03:52 JST


Hello, here is a set under average to good seeing but low altitude. Both polar hoods are visible.

Clouds in Tempe, Aurorea Sinus and Solis Lacus.

In the IR image more surface details are visible especialy near the north pole.


Manos KARDASIS (Glyfada-Athens, GREECE)




¤····Subject: Mars 30th May 

Received: 31 May 2016 at 00:38 JST

I have attached a quick animation of Mars from 1300 to 1323 UT on the 30th May.

A hazy/yellowish looking Hellas & reddish area surrounding northern latitudes..Seeing was quite good.

Images to follow in the next day.


Best wishes





¤····Subject: Mars images Ak25May16, Ak28May16 

Received: 30 May 2016 at 22:54 JST


Mars images on 25 May (C14) and 28 May (40cm Cassegrain, Utsunomiya Univercity).


Tomio AKUTSU (Tochigi, JAPAN)




¤····Subject: Mars 26 May 2016 

Received: 30 May 2016 at 16:43 JST


Dear Sir,

 Attached find two images of Mars of May 26, 2016. The seeing was poor duet o the low altitude (15º).

Note the bright spot near Elysium.







¤····Subject: Mars 2016/05/29 2024UT CM54 

Received: 30 May 2016 at 16:06 JST


Hi all,

Mars yesterday evening under average seeing. I will be away from home until next Sunday, so regrettably will not be capturing or posting until I get back. A bit of a family get away to the mountains, so not complaining! Enjoy your week.  



Clyde FOSTER (Centurion, SOUTH AFRICA)




¤····Subject: Mars image - May 29

Received: 30 May 2016 at 13:44 JST



Finally, a decent set of images.  Imaging Mars in northern latitudes has been a real challenge during this apparition.



Peter GORCZYNSKI (Oxford, CT)




¤····Subject: Mars May 29

Received: 30 May 2016 at 05:50 JST


Date: May 29, 2016, Time: 05:28 GMT, CM: 196º, Ls: 160º

Telescope: 28 CM SCT. Camera: ASI 120MM, Filter IR 807


Tim WILSON (Jefferson City, Mo)


¤····Subject: Mars observation from 26th May 2016

Received: 30 May 2016 at 05:10 JST


Dear CMO/OAA-team !

Here is my latest Mars observation from 26th May 2016.

best regards


Robert SCHULZ (Vienna, AUSTRIA)




¤····Subject: Re: Mars on 2016 May 28 at 23h 50m

Received: 30 May 2016 at 01:55 JST



Attached you can find my image. Please, ask me anything you want.

Thanks in advance.


Luis FERNÁNDEZ Navarro (Bormujos, Sevilla, SPAIN)




¤····Subject: Mars: May 29, 2016

Received: 30 May 2016 at 00:39 JST



  I have attached my latest image of Mars May 29, 2016 at 4:43 UT.



  Frank J MELILLO (Holtsville, NY



¤····Subject: Mo26May_16

Received: 30 May 2016 at 00:12 JST


Mars images on 26 May2016.


Yukio MORITA (Hiroshima, JAPAN)




¤····Subject: Mars 2016/05/28-Kumamori

Received: 29 May 2016 at 18:44 JST


Mars images on 28 May2016.


Teruaki KUMAMORI (Osaka, JAPAN)




¤····Subject: Mars 2016/05/28 1957UT CM57  2101UT CM72

Received: 29 May 2016 at 17:27 JST


Hi all,

Two captures of Mars from yesterday evening. Seeing conditions were still poor, but certainly improved from the previous few evenings. I am not sure if I have noted the hook like feature at the NPC before, extending south and then to the east. The bright spot, particularly in red,  immediately on the north side of Valles Marineris also caught my attention. It was an evening spent between the observatory and the TV, with the Champions League final on. Thank goodness for PVR- I didn’t miss any of the action, albeit a bit delayed!



Clyde FOSTER (Centurion, SOUTH AFRICA)




¤····Subject: Mars image - May 23

Received: 29 May 2016 at 05:54 JST



Here is a set of images from May 23.



Peter GORCZYNSKI (Oxford, CT)




¤····Subject: Mars image - May 27

Received: 29 May 2016 at 00:50 JST



This set of images was captured at an elevation of 27 degrees.



Peter GORCZYNSKI (Oxford, CT)




¤·····Subject: from Masatsugu MINAMI’s Facebook

Received: 28 May 2016 at 22:28 JST


Wayne Jaeschke
 24 May at 07:59

 West Chester, PA, United States ·

Interesting article on the Mars Plume occurrence from 2012. Interestingly, their paper concurs with the initial theory of Masatsugu Minami. Many of the astronomers I discussed the theory with, at the time, discredited the idea (even though we knew that there was a strong, fast CME hitting Mars at the time and the plume was over the area of the planet with its highest crustal magnetism). Plasma observations during the Mars atmospheric "plume" event of March-April 2012


Wayne JAESCHKE (West Chester, PA)




¤····Subject: Mars Images Ak23May16

Received: 28 May 2016 at 17:39 JST


Mars images on 23 May 2016 (40cm Cassegrain, Utsunomiya Univercity).


Tomio AKUTSU (Tochigi, JAPAN)




¤····Subject: Mars Images 27th May 2016

Received: 28 May 2016 at 17:25 JST


Attached is a composite of Mars images taken on the 27th May in fair seeing.
Note the small elongated streak in Utopia running N to S near the evening terminator. It appears barely visible in R, brightest in G & somewhat visible in B images. Evening cloud perhaps?

Kind regards






¤····Subject: Mars RGB set 27-05-2016

Received: 28 May 2016 at 11:22 JST


Hi everyone,

Managed to capture one RGB set just seconds before the clouds rolled in. The seeing was reasonably good.

Best regards,


Stefan BUDA (Melbourne, AUSTRALIA)




¤····Subject: Mars images

Received: 27 May 2016 at 20:02 JST


Dear Sirs,
Please find attached a Mars image set from
the 15th May 2016.
Best regards,





¤····Subject: Mars 2016/05/26 20:17UT CM79

Received: 27 May 2016 at 19:53 JST


Hi, all

Mars yesterday evening. Seeing conditions were very poor, and this was the best of a bad bunch of attempted captures. It looks like there is an interesting structure to the SPH/SPC(?), although I would be wary of interpretation of detail under these conditions.



Clyde FOSTER (Centurion, SOUTH AFRICA)




¤····Subject: Mars: May 26, 2016

Received: 27 May 2016 at 10:47 JST



   I have attached my latest image of Mars May 26, 2016 at 3:50 UT.



  Frank J MELILLO (Holtsville, NY)




¤····Subject: Mars: May 21, 2016

Received: 27 May 2016 at 10:46 JST



   I have attached my image of Mars May 21, 2016 at 3:56 UT.



  Frank J MELILLO (Holtsville, NY)




¤····Subject: Mars Sketch 25 May 2016

Received: 27 May 2016 at 04:01 JST


Dear Sirs,

Please find attached my latest sketch of Mars.  Information is below.


35 cm SCT f/11 @ 326x & 391x    Filters: W#23A, 21, 80A, 56, & IL
S: 5-6/10 P    T: 5/6    Alt: 29°
CM: 209.7°    Ls: 158.0°    De: 11.0°   Ds: 9.2°    Dia: 18.5"


Thank you,


Michael ROSOLINA (Friars Hill, WV)




¤····Subject: Mars dust storm alert

Received: 26 May 2016 at 18:55 JST


2016 May 26

Dear Observers:
Images taken by Efrain Morales Rivera (Puerto Rico) in the last few days (May 21-24) clearly show a changeable bright yellow streak of dust at the IAU western (following) edge of Eysium. The bright cloud was very conspicuous in red light and was not related to the usual orographic cloud activity over Elysium Mons. The Director had observed the area on May 16 without seeing the storm, while on May 23 the Elysium region was too near the morning terminator for the correct longitude to have been visible to him.


Evidence for previous telescopic dust storms in this area exists, but such events are very uncommon for Elysium, and sometimes the area has simply been a secondary focus of activity for another dust storm developing elsewhere, such as at the start of the 2001 planet-encircling storm.


If you are able to do so, please monitor the area and send me your reports. Secondary activity could occur elsewhere at any time now, though an image by Clyde Foster centred at longitude 101 degrees on May 24 shows that hemisphere to be free of dust.


Best wishes,

Richard McKIM (Peterborough, The UK)
Dr R.J.McKim, Director, Mars Section,
British Astronomical Association




¤····Subject: Mars - May 21,22,23,24th

Received: 26 May 2016 at 11:16 JST


Hi Mr. Minami and All!,

Here are my most recent sessions of mars under variable conditions.


Efrain MORALES RIVERA (Aguadilla, Puerto Rico)




¤····Subject: Re: Mars 2016/05/24 20:34UT CM101

 Received: 26 May 2016 at 04:21 JST


Thanks Clyde, you're looking very good. Once again the SPC is very obvious and I think the residual NPC is recorded, both with the red filter.

Good seeing,


 Jim MELKA (Chesterfield, MO)




¤····Subject: Jupiter 2016.05.20 under good seeing (part 2)

 Received: 26 May 2016 at 05:09 JST


Individual color layers, the first blue is nicely detailed:


Steady skies,


Marc DELCROIX (Tournefeuille, FRANCE)




¤····Subject: Jupiter 2016.05.20 under good seeing (part 1)

 Received: 26 May 2016 at 05:04 JST




Under good seeing, Jupiter and Io with my new camera. GRS is setting, followed by complex rifts, white spot Z also is setting - on the opposite side in the NEBn there is a conspicious white spot, BA is closed to CM followed by some dark feature.




IR685 :


It's also interesting to see two white spots in methane closer to the North pole :

Steady skies,


Marc DELCROIX (Tournefeuille, FRANCE)




¤····Subject: Re: Probable impact on Mars recorded by Mike Hood

 Received: 26 May 2016 at 04:11 JST


Hi Mike,

No need to apologize and thanks for the information. I thought it was fun and it gave me more incentive to do what I do for ALPO. Imaging planets is a continuing learning experience. Please keep sending images. Thanks.


Jim MELKA (Chesterfield, MO)



From: "" <>
Wednesday, May 25, 2016 11:35 AM
Subject: Re: Probable impact on Mars recorded by Mike Hood


Hi Jim,


I stacked the images in AutoStackkert using drizzle. Then to Regi-Stack 6 with the

Wavelets set at default Initial layer 2, wavelet linear.

The sliders 1,2 and 3 set to 10, sliders 4,5 and 6 at 1.  The images were imported into

Photoshop and a RGB combined.


Then, I used Astra Image Richardson-Lucy

to deconvolution with a mild Gaussian blur.  Then, I resized and used dust and scratches set

at two. Imported into Pixinsight to smooth with TGV Denoise set at three. The image was Despeckled

and reduced in sized, contrast and brightness adjusted.  Then noise was reduced by using Topaz Denoise

set at 6. 


I cannot reproduce the ? by reprocessing the image from my raw data.  I am suspicious that

the artifact came in drizzle.  Most of the time I do not use drizzle but did this time because

the image size was small.


Joyce, my wife and I, saw the artifact when she was checking my color. I should have been

more suspicious.  I thought it was an unusual cloud. It did not seen to have the look of the

usual artifacts.


I apologize for giving you a wild goose chase.




In a message dated 5/25/2016 12:58:49 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Hi Mike,

I midly sharpened the R, G, B monochromes with Reg 5 wavelets and combined them with Registax 5 and the color result is attached. There is no sign of the ? feature. The question then is, how did you enhance monochromes and then combine them.


From: "" <>
Tuesday, May 24, 2016 9:13 PM
Subject: Probable impact on Mars recorded by Mike Hood


Hi Jim,


Attached is the image before the image in question and the image following.

Also included are the RGB raw images that have only been stacked for the suspected image

I posted.


Hope this helps,




¤····Subject: Mars image set 2016-05-24

 Received: 25 May 2016 at 20:30 JST


Hello everyone,

Please find attached an RGB set from last night, captured in better than average seeing.

Best regards,


Stefan BUDA (Melbourne, AUSTRALIA)




¤····Subject: Mars 2016/05/24 20:34UT CM101

 Received: 25 May 2016 at 15:27 JST


Hi all,

Mars yesterday evening. Average/below average seeing conditions and we have the jetstream extending above South Africa at present.



Clyde FOSTER (Centurion, SOUTH AFRICA)




¤····Subject: RE: Probable impact on Mars recorded by Mike Hood

 Received: 25 May 2016 at 07:28 JST


Edit- I see that I was looking at Peter's May image comparing it to Mike's April image.

Sorry for the mistake, but comparing the features themselves still supports my skepticism.



I'm afraid I see this as processing artifact. Compared to Peter Gorczynski's images of the same region

which was taken either just after Mikes image, or 24 hours later (Mikes time seems to be wrong, based on the planets features). From what I can gather of Mike Hood's image, the processing blends areas all over the globe in such a way that it is creating odd linear features where there wasn't any before. 

Maybe he has something, but I am very skeptical.

I would like to see the raw stack (pre-sharpening) before jumping to conclusions. 


Sean WALKER (Manchester, NH)

Equipment Editor

Sky & Telescope




¤····Subject: Fw: Probable impact on Mars recorded by Mike Hood

 Received: 25 May 2016 at 04:12 JST


Hi folks,

I thought you might have some comments or questions. One new thing, the curved part of the ? is likely where the ejecta is starting to fall to the ground. And I'm sure the "?" is not an artifact. Mike Hood may have recorded the event in just one AVI.

Good seeing,


Jim MELKA (Chesterfield, MO)



----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Jim Melka <>
Subject: Probable impact on Mars recorded by Mike Hood


Hi Mike,


Your April 19th images show what I think is an impact of a small asteroid or small comet nucleus marked by the bright spot in the images. Then there is an ejecta of material in the form of a backward looking question mark. The only other explanation that I can think of would be an eruption of some sort. I think it probably is an impact. I annotated your image with the previous dialog. See the attachment.


Do you have any AVIs recorded before or after the image you processed? If so, please process them and send them to Roger and myself. Wow!!! Thanks.


Jim Melka





¤····Subject: Mars 2016/05/23-Kumamori

 Received: 24 May 2016 at 18:30 JST


Mars images on 23 May 2016.


Teruaki KUMAMORI (Osaka, JAPAN)




¤····Subject: Mars 2016/05/23 19:42UT CM97

 Received: 24 May 2016 at 16:58 JST


Hi all,

A capture from yesterday evening. It was a bit earlier in the evening, so Mars was not a greatest elevation. Average seeing conditions.



Clyde FOSTER (Centurion, SOUTH AFRICA)




¤····Subject: RGB Mars Observation 23rd May 2016

 Received: 24 May 2016 at 15:11 JST


Dear Mr. Minami and Mr. Murakami,

I hope all is well. Please find attached an RGB image of Mars taken last night, the 23rd May.

The conditions were poor, cold weather and the seeing was bad, nevertheless there is some detail visible. I have also attached a details file with info on the individual images. If you need any more info please let me know.


David Weldrake

Mars May 23rd 2016

Noon at Sinus Meridiani (again)

Bungendore NSW, Australia


A single RGB images taken tonight, please see details below.



BLUE 12:40 UT 6700 images at 0.027s exp, 3 mins total

GREEN 12:44 UT 8600 images at 0.021s exp, 3 mins total

RED 12:48 UT 18000 images at 0.010s exp, 3 mins total


Best 10% of frames stacked.

Takahashi TOA-130NS @F40 Eyepiece Projection

ASI120MM camera + B,G,R filters

NEQ6 pro mount


Seeing Poor.


I caught Sinus Meridiani on the meridian, the same view as per my submission of the 20th.

Thank you.



Dr. David T F Weldrake




¤····Subject: Mars, M160522 ishibashi 22 May 2016

 Received: 24 May 2016 at 09:23 JST


Mars images on 22 May 2016.


Tsutomu ISHIBASHI (Kanagawa, JAPAN)




¤····Subject: Mars, 20 May 2016

 Received: 24 May 2016 at 06:48 JST


Dear Richard and Masatsugu,

I captured Mars again last Friday night at 12 degree altitude under somewhat better conditions than May 5. On this low-contrast hemisphere, there was no surface detail visible on the computer screen when the avi's were recorded, and visually only the northern albedo features were seen.


Good color balance was difficult to achieve on the final image which is slightly too yellowish.

Olympus Mons near the evening limb and Elysium near the morning limb are somewhat bright, morning and evening hazes readily apparent.

Best wishes,


Johan WARELL (Skurup, SWEDEN)




¤····Subject: Mars May 23

 Received: 24 May 2016 at 06:36 JST


Date: May 23, 2016, Time: 05:53 GMT, CM: 255º, Ls: 157º

Telescope: 28 CM SCT, Camera: ASI 120MC, Filter +IR 807


Tim WILSON (Jefferson City, Mo)




¤····Subject: Mars 2016-05-21

 Received: 23 May 2016 at 23:00 JST


here my mars from 21th may 2016, captured during full Moon nearby and the sky coverd by Cirrusclouds. Hard conditions...



Silvia KOWOLLIK (Ludwigsburg, GERMANY)




¤····Subject: Mars 2016/05/21&22-Kumamori

 Received: 23 May 2016 at 20:43 JST


Mars images on 21, 22 May 2016.


Teruaki KUMAMORI (Osaka, JAPAN)




¤····Subject: Mars 2016/05/22 20:02 and 21:39UT

 Received: 23 May 2016 at 20:07 JST


Hi all,

I at last managed to have a longer session yesterday evening, although conditions were variable. I attach two image sets.

Best regards,


Clyde FOSTER (Centurion, SOUTH AFRICA)




¤····Subject: Mars, Edom Brightenings, and news

 Received: 23 May 2016 at 04:33 JST


Dear Masatsugu,

   In the near future I will be working on a new Mars book (actually an update of "The planet Mars"), with Jim Bell providing an authoritative account of developments since I wrote the first edition (it was published before Pathfinder arrived in 1996).  No one is in a better position to do this than Jim.

   I sent him tidings of the Edom flashes--or glint--and here's what he says:


"Thanks for sending the Edom glint information.  It seems like an interesting phenomenon, but is likely not related to surface composition or mineralogy (there's really nothing unusual there, based on spacecraft measurements). Rather, I bet it's physical properties, like slope or exposure of some particularly slabby bedrock or something.  It is something that could be looked into using modern spacecraft data sets. We've seen a pretty intense sub-solar (zero phase angle) glint in daily MOC and MARCI global mapping images for decades, so it's not particularly unusual or surprising to see the surface glint at low phase angle.  Maybe that's just the most extreme example.  We should ping Bruce Cantor at MSSS and ask him if he sees that glint in MOC or MARCI images when MGS or MRO flew over Schiaparelli crater at the right geometry.  Or maybe he or Phil James have already looked into this...?



   I've been having a great time roaming through the archives at Lowell, and have found a lot of new material; I attach, for instance, a page of notes from the Japanese phase, in which someone who was obviously very fluent in Japanese (Yejiro?) wrote out a haiku and instructed Lowell as to its meaning.  I have similar notes in my diaries where you did the same for me.


   Hope you are able to observe Mars.

   Best, Bill



From: william sheehan

Date: Friday, May 20, 2016 at 4:56 PM
To: JIm Bell

Subject: Mars, Edom Brightenings, and news


Hi, Jim,

   Great image from Hubble that was posted online yesterday.  I can't wait to get at the red planet with a decent telescope--and Tuesday night have reserved the 24" Clark for the purpose.

   I'm settling in here in Flagstaff, though lots to do (including getting my job situation sorted out).  I'm well along with Pluto (Dale Cruikshank has been writing up a storm) and am starting to think of what comes next--Mars, for us.

   In case you are interested, I am sending a text from a Japanese colleauge, Murakami, on the Edom brightenings--similar to those seen in the past by Saheki and predicted and then observed by a colleague and myself the last time the Sun-Mars-Earth geometry was right, in June 2001.  There are some dates and times for this.  It may be we will be able to get better observations (this time from the Far East, where the Edom longitude is well presented at the time of the favorable geometry) and be able to determine just what it is about the mineralogy or surface topography that produces this effect.  I have attached the video images that my colleagues obtained from the Florida Keys in 2001.

   Best, Bill


Bill SHEEHAN (Flagstaff, AZ)




¤····Subject: Mars image - May 20

 Received: 23 May 2016 at 11:17 JST



This is probably my best image so far this season. 

Imaging Mars at a 27 degree elevation is quite a challenge.



Peter GORCZYNSKI (Oxford, CT)




¤····Subject: Mars: May 20, 2016

 Received: 23 May 2016 at 00:52 JST



     I have attached my image of Mars May 20, 2016 at 5:54 UT.



 Frank J MELILLO (Holtsville, NY)



¤····Subject: RE: Mars animation 20th May 2016

 Received: 22 May 2016 at 21:54 JST


Dear Mr Minami & Mr Murakami,

Thank you for your kind message. It is a great honour to have my latest Mars animaton on the CMO Facade - I am very grateful.

Wishing you, and all at the ISMO clear skies & good seeing




On Sun, 22 May 2016 19:56:40 +0900, Masatsugu Minami wrote:

Dear Maurice,

Thank you very much for your continuous contributions to our CMO/ISMO.
Especially we are pleased to know you returned to your traditional procedure since May.
Just this time we hope you would kindly pardon us if we try to lay out largely your recent marvelous animation of the Mars rotation, which you have elaborated on 20 May, on our CMO Façade as

We look forward to your further activity on the Mars observations even after opposition.

With best wishes,

Masatsugu MINAMI,







¤····Subject: Mars 22

 Received: 22 May 2016 at 23:02 JST


Date: May 22 2016, Time: 05:08 GMT, CM: 290º, Ls: 156º

Telescope: 28 CM SCT, Camera: ASI 120MM, Filter IR 807


Tim WILSON (Jefferson City, Mo)




¤····Subject: Mars 2016/05/21 19.50UT

 Received: 22 May 2016 at 20:59 JST


Hi, all

As noted in my last email, it has been a real battle to try and get anything decent over the last week with the weather and seeing conditions. I did get a bit of a gap last night before the clouds came in and attach the images. I am still going to try and get something out of the data I have collected over the last week, but due to the poor quality may submit as per this format(an L and IR image, or ebven just IR). If things improve, I will resort to either RGB or decomposing the L image again. Enjoy the Opposition nonetheless!

Best regards,


Clyde FOSTER (Centurion, SOUTH AFRICA)




¤····Subject: Mars Images 20th May 2016

 Received: 22 May 2016 at 18:14 JST


Here is a composite of some of the images taken on the 20th May 2016.
Best wishes






¤····Subject: Mars images: Ak12May16, Ak18May16, Ak19May16

 Received: 22 May 2016 at 17:43 JST


Mars images on 12(40cm Cassegrain, Utsunomiya Univercity), 18, 19 May 2016.


Tomio AKUTSU (Tochigi, JAPAN)




¤····Subject: Mars images: Mo21May_16

 Received: 22 May 2016 at 15:48 JST


Mars images on 21 May 2016.


Yukio MORITA (Hiroshima, JAPAN)




¤····Subject: Mars images

 Received: 22 May 2016 at 09:00 JST


Mars images on 20 May 2016.


Akinori NISHITA (Fukui, JAPAN)




¤····Subject: Mars images on 18, 20 May 2016

 Received: 22 May 2016 at 09:00 JST


Mars images on 18, 20 May 2016.


Tadao OHSUGI (Ishikawa, JAPAN)




¤····Subject: Mars animation 20th May 2016

 Received: 22 May 2016 at 11:42 JST


Please find attached an animation of Mars' rotation from 1046UT to 1401UT on the 20th May2016. I have compressed the file as much as possible without affecting the data too much, but it is still rather large - my apologies. Details were not very good early on due to Mars' low altitude, but improved later when higher in the sky. Seeing was generally very good.

An image containing some of the frames used will follow soon.


Best wishes





¤····Subject: report from flagstaff

 Received: 21 May 2016 at 06:15 JST


Dear Masatsugu,

   I arrived in Flagstaff about a month ago--my wife Debb and I (and two dogs) left Minnesota, traveled across the agricultural wastelands of Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas (including Larned, where Clyde Tombaugh took the >train, with only a one-way ticket, to Flagstaff in 1929), Oklahoma, then the more interesting states of New Mexico and Arizona. My wife had to return to Minnesota to tie some things up, but I remain here.

   I spent a productive day in the Lowell archives--I have been working on Percival Lowell's last year for an article or two; and found some very interesting things.  Some from earlier in his career including the Japanese phase that have not been uncovered before.  I am sending, as an example of what I found, two drawings of Mars from March 14, 1916.  He was seeing very fine details around Elysium and was full of wonder at what they might be.

   Tuesday night I have reserved the Clark, and am hoping to look at Mars and Saturn with it.

   I have seen Murakami's excellent article on the Edom flare phenomenon, and am really eager to see what results are forthcoming this year, as now it is Japan and other points in the Far East which will be enjoying the favorable geometry.  Please send me immediate news of any flares!

  With warm regards,
 Bill Sheehan, CMO's correspondent in


Bill SHEEHAN (Flagstaff, AZ)




¤····Subject: Mars RGB set 20-05-2016

 Received: 21 May 2016 at 19:46 JST


Hi everyone,

After many days of unfavourable conditions, last night it cleared enough for useful imaging. Transparency wasn’t too good, with high level haze, but the seeing was reasonably good.

Best regards,


Stefan BUDA (Melbourne, AUSTRALIA)




¤····Subject: Mars on 2016 May 21 at 00h 00m

 Received: 21 May 2016 at 17:55 JST



Attached you can find my image. As I used a diagonal prism, the N-S axis is ok, but the E-W axis is in mirror. Please, rotate and mirror the E-W axis if you need it to publish the image.

I have tried to identificate the geographical accidents as you can see.

Please, ask me anything you want.


Thanks in advance.



Luis FERNÁNDEZ Navarro (Bormujos, Sevilla, SPAIN)




¤····Subject: Mars 2016/05/20-Kumamori

 Received: 21 May 2016 at 17:54 JST


Mars images on 20 May 2016.


Teruaki KUMAMORI (Osaka, JAPAN)




¤····Subject: Three RGB Mars Observations 20th May 2016

 Received: 21 May 2016 at 17:06 JST


Dear Mr. Minami and Mr. Murakami,

I hope all is going well. Please find attached data for three RGB images of Mars as taken last night here in Bungendore. The seeing was excellent, hence I continued imaging and ended up with three. I have attached separately the R, G, B and RGB images and there is also a details textfile with times and image data. If you need any more information please let me know.


As the seeing was excellent there was a great deal of detail visible, Sinus Meridiani was on the meridian, and Syrtis Major was setting, Mare Acidalium was rising.

Mars was very impressive through the eyepiece too. I hope you find the attached images useful.


Thank you and all the best,



Dr. David T F Weldrake




¤····Subject: Hubble comparison

 Received: 20 May 2016 at 23:06 JST


Hi all,

Just to confirm that I have not lost my interest in Mars imaging! I have been reaching a new level of frustration this last week with rain, cloud and what I can only refer to as diabolical seeing conditions when there have been gaps in the cloud. I spent a few hours around midnight last night and am hoping I can get something reasonable. Am busy working on the processing. In the meantime, I have done a comparison of the new Hubble image with the closest I could get, with one of my better images of the apparition, albeit 10 days prior to the Hubble image, so cloud detail is not comparable.




Clyde FOSTER (Centurion, SOUTH AFRICA)




¤····Subject: solar 12-17-May-2016

 Received: 20 May 2016 at 20:06 JST


Hi Guys Here are a few (5MB) images from mid May, including a couple of the entertaining AR2542 as it approaches the off limb. Now enter AR2546 which looks to me like the return of AR2533, which was a very stable and pokerfaced spot.





Best wishes


Dave TYLER (Backs, the UK)




¤····Subject: Mars - May 13th, 18th

 Received: 20 May 2016 at 12:47 JST


Hi Mr. Minami and All!, Here I submit my sessions from may 13th, 18th.


Efrain MORALES RIVERA (Aguadilla, Puerto Rico)




¤····Subject: Mars 19, 2016

 Received: 20 May 2016 at 07:08 JST


Date: May 19, 2016, Time: 05:51 GMT, CM: 290º, Ls: 155º

Telescope: 28 CM SCT, Camera: ASI 120MC, Filter +IR 807


Tim WILSON (Jefferson City, Mo)




¤····Subject: Jupiter 2016.05.17

 Received: 20 May 2016 at 06:33 JST



Back from the Juno workshop at Nice, I received the new ZWO290MM I could try on a night starting with good seeing but rapidly degrading (very visible in the images).First impression is good, I could image in methane absorption band at 100ms per exposure with a fair histogram (~50%) even though the sampling was not enough (0.122arcsec/pix) - I'll try to magnify a bit more next time. 

GRS and white spot Z were rising, with fine details preceding it on SEBn, and Io's shadow was transiting.





IR at the end of the session with worse seeing:



CH4, I'm rather satisfied with the resolution of the fine bands and the waves on the south polar hood







R and G :



Steady skies,


Marc DELCROIX (Tournefeuille, FRANCE)




¤····Subject: : RE: Mars IR700nm

 Received: 19 May 2016 at 18:33 JST


Hi, please let me know if these are acceptable.








¤····Subject: Mars Observation (May 13, 2016)

 Received: 19 May 2016 at 21:29 JST


Dear Minami-san,
I hope that you and the rest of the OAA Mars Section are doing well. I made an observation of the planet Mars on May 13, 2016 (Mars May 13, 2016 (04:45 U.T.),CM 326.5ºW, Ls 152º (Late Northern Summer/Southern Winter), De 8.7º, Ds 11.6º, p 100%, 17.6 arc-seconds) singly 9-inch (23-cm ) F/13.5 Maksutov-Cassegrain at 282x/352x (Explore Scientific 82º eyepieces, excellent for sharpness and contrast) under good seeing (6-7/10) conditions. The planet presented a wealth of detail as indicated in my observation. The most prominent albedo features visible were Sinus Sabers/Sinus Meridiani (3/10) on the central meridian (CM) towards the south and Syrtis Major (3-4/10) and partially obscured by clouds) towards the eastern (evening) limb. The North Polar Cap (NPC) was obscured by clouds as well. The second image shows the major albedo features detected during my observation.

The best of luck.



Carlos HERNANDEZ (Miami, FL)




¤····Subject: Mars 2016/05/18-Kumamori

 Received: 19 May 2016 at 17:01 JST


Mars images on 18 May 2016.


Teruaki KUMAMORI (Osaka, JAPAN)




¤····Subject: Re: Some old views of Mars

 Received: 19 May 2016 at 14:22 JST


Hi Damian,

Very nice work! hese old images are really brought to new life, with lots of small and faint detail better deliniated.

As Richard mentioned we did a similar exercise a few years back with similar results.

It would thus be interesting if you could provide some more information about the original photographer, emulsion and instrumentation details, etc. What is the source of the original photos?

Great to see you at the Juno workshop!

Best wishes,


Johan WARELL (Skurup, SWEDEN)




¤····Subject: Mars 5 May 2016

 Received: 19 May 2016 at 14:15 JST


Dear Richard and Masami,

Sending you here a Mars image from May 5, the best one I have yet acquired this season.


It is nothing to write home about and should of course not be compared to what others are getting this year, as the elevation and observing conditions are exceptionally difficult. But at least there's some very recognizable surface details, a bright Hellas and a southerly SPH (?) skirting the slightly off-pole position is visible.

Mars was only at 12 degrees altitude and the seeing was a horrible, fast undulating 2/10. An ADC combined with individual processing of each color channel brought out what was there.

Hoping to get another couples of chance with Mars before this apparition is past, bright summer skies are approaching fast.

With best wishes,


Johan WARELL (Skurup, SWEDEN)




¤····Subject: Mars, M160518 ishibashi

 Received: 19 May 2016 at 10:50 JST


Mars images on 18 May 2016.


Tsutomu ISHIBASHI (Kanagawa, JAPAN)




¤····Subject: Re: Some old views of Mars

 Received: 19 May 2016 at 02:38 JST


Dear Damian
Some very nice work here. Of course, these are similar source materials to the images that Johan Warell and I had digitally composited in colour for the first time (and indeed derotated) for our paper three years ago in the BAA Journal (volume 123 part 3 pages 137-142 (2013)). We used images from 1941 to 1956. There is certainly scope for further work in this field as you have shown here. In our case we were sent copies of the scanned film originals. There must be many more sources of this sort of material, particularly if one were to be content with R(G)B type composites. The late Dr Dollfus used the method to get some less grainy Jupiter photos from the 1890s. Slipher's tricolour work goes back many decades, yet he rarely made colour composites himself, owing no doubt to the large amount of labour needed at that time: if I recall correctly he only published composites in colour of his Mars images from the 1954 opposition. Slipher's best Mars images are from 1939 and 1954, both occasions where he travelled south.
Good wishes

Richard McKIM (Peterborough, The UK)




¤····Subject: Mars, 15 May 2016

 Received: 18 May 2016 at 07:47 JST


Mars images on 15 May 2016.


Tadashi ASADA (Fukuoka, JAPAN)




¤····Subject: Mars, May 17

 Received: 18 May 2016 at 14:32 JST


Hi all, some excellent stable seeing this morning, here is an image of Mars showing Olympus Mons rising at left with the Tharsis volcanoes prominent to it's right. They are all cloud free in this image. The north polar remnant is visible at top left, and the south polar hood at bottom right with lots of cloud and what appears to be lines of ground frost or fog. The long horizontal fracture of Valles Marineris can be see at right of centre. There are some scattered clouds across the disk.

This image is a single RGB composite, 90s per channel using a PGR GS3-U3-32S4M camera.







¤····Subject: Mars: May 17, 2016

 Received: 18 May 2016 at 13:18 JST


Hi ,  I have attached my latest image of Mars May 17, 2016 at 4:51 UT.

The seeing was so bad that I didn't know why I went ahead to image Mars during that moment.

It came out ok but not great.


Frank J MELILLO (Holtsville, NY)




¤····Subject: Mars Images - May 9 & 12

 Received: 18 May 2016 at 10:12 JST



Here are a few recent Mars images.  The quality is not very good due to the low (27 degree) elevation.  However, I hope there is some useful information for you to use in your analysis.



Peter GORCZYNSKI (Oxford, CT)




¤····Subject: Some old views of Mars

Received: 18 May 2016 at 02:01 JST


Hi all,

Here are some old Mars photo's reworked with modern techniques. I am sure many of these images were never in colour before now. I derotated various photo sequences together taken on certain nights to give a colour R(G)B image. For the Oct 8th 1941 result i de-rotated several R filter photos together for the result which is a significant improvement over the original single photographs.


July 27th, 1939:



Sep 17th, 1941:



Oct 8th, 1941:



Sep 15th, 1956:


Best Wishes


Damian PEACE (Selsey, WS, the UK)





¤····Subject: animation 1226 to 1312UT Mars 15 May 2016

Received: 17 May 2016 at 22:14 JST


Attached is a small animation of Mars' rotation from 1226UT to 1312UT on 15th May 2016.






¤····Subject: Mars 15th May 2016

Received: 17 May 2016 at 21:37 JST


Here are some images of Mars from the 15th May.
Autostakkert did an amazing job of choosing & aligning the best frames considering the strength of the jetstream during imaging. Looks like quite a misty day on Mars.. An animation will follow shortly.

Bets wishes






¤····Subject: Mars 15 May

 Received: 16 May 2016 at 18:22 JST


Dear Mr Murakami,
Please find attached photographs of Mars taken on 15 May.
The latter two were taken using narrow band filters. They both have a bandwidth of 40 nm and are centred on 450 nm and 400 nm respectively. More results are to follow.


Barry ADCOCK (Viewbank, Vic, AUSTRALIA)




¤····Subject: Mars May 14, 2016

 Received: 16 May 2016 at 06:56 JST


Date: May 14, 2016, Time: 04:01 GMT, CM: 298º, Ls: 151º

Telescope: 28 CM SCT, , Camera: ASI 120MM, Filter IR 807


Tim WILSON (Jefferson City, Mo.)



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