0808 DPk Note
8 August 2001 (210°Ls)


D.C. Parker, Coral Gables, FL. Lynxx PC camera 16-in (41cm) F/6 NEWTONIAN
Eyepiece Projection @ f/36.0

Integration Times:
BLUE (Koheisha, 445nm peak central; BWHM 105nm) 1.80s
GREEN (Koheisha, 540nm peak central; BWHM 75nm) 0.58s
RED (RG610 - No IR Rejection) 0.12s
INFRARED (750-825nm) 1.80s
Images flat and dark corrected.

Seeing good (7-8, Pickering) Transparency good (5m) between fast cumulus clouds.
Wind NE 0-8 kts. Altitude = 37-32 degrees. No dew.

Dust persists, obscuring much of the S. hemisphere. Northern Acidalium M. and the Nilokeras-Achillus Fons complex fairly well seen.
Note conspicuous N. polar cloud rotating with the planet. NPH disorganized. Aurorae Sinus and the Tithonius complex faintly seen, distorted. Thaumasia and Solis Lacus still largely covered by dust clouds. Bright PM limb arc and south polar clouds.