1024 DPk Note
24 October 2001 (259°Ls)


D.C. Parker, Coral Gables, FL. Lynxx PC camera 16-in (41cm) F/6 NEWTONIAN
Eyepiece Projection @ f/44.2

Integration Times:
BLUE (Koheisha, 445nm peak central; BWHM 105nm) 2.76s
GREEN (Koheisha, 540nm peak central; BWHM 75nm) 0.94s
RED (RG610 - No IR Rejection) 0.21s

Images flat and dark corrected.
Seeing fair,variable (3-6, Pickering). Transparency good (4.5m). Wind WSW 0-2 kts. Altitude = 38-30 degrees. No dew.

Albedo features more distinct but dust streaks still present across Eos and Erythraeum M. However, fine details like Hydrae S., Hydraotes, and Cantabras visible. PM limb and arctic haze still very prominent.
Note white cloud north of SPC in Ogygis R. SPC small, bright with small western projection discernible in red light -- possibly "Mountains of Mitchell," or Novus Mons.