LtE in CMO #278

From Damian A PEACH

® . . . . . . . . . . Sent: Friday, August 29, 2003 7:58 AM

Subject: Mars images (Aug 22nd, 23rd ,24th)


Hi all,


Here are some Mars images from Aug 22nd, 23rd, 24th obtained from the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory, on La Palma, Canary Islands.


The conditions were good with good seeing, and incredible sky transparency.


The SPC shows Novus Mons distinct (also visually at the eyepiece.) In Blue light the NPH is quite distinct. Coprates and Tithonius Lacus are detailed, and Juvenate Fons is dark.


Best Wishes,



Information for Mars images, August 22nd, 2003.


D. A. Peach, Roque de los Muchachos Observatory,

La Palma, Canary Islands (2360m alt.)

10" (25cm) Meade SCT @ f/55.


Philips PCVC 740k ToUcam Pro.


Exposure times: ~600 x 0.04 secs.


Seeing good (Pickering 6-8.) DIMM Reading (0.8" - 1.0".)

Transparency excellent (7.0mag.)

Wind N (22-24km/hr.)



Information for Mars images, August 23rd, 2003.


D. A. Peach, Roque de los Muchachos Observatory,

La Palma, Canary Islands (2360m alt.)

10" (25cm) Meade SCT @ f/55.

Philips PCVC 740k ToUcam Pro.


Exposure times: 500 x 0.04 secs.


Seeing good (Pickering 6-9.) DIMM Reading (0.7" - 1.0".)

Transparency excellent (7.0mag.)

Wind NW (18-20km/hr.)



Information for Mars images,  August 23-24th, 2003.


D. A. Peach, Roque de los Muchachos Observatory,

La Palma, Canary Islands (2360m alt.)

10" (25cm) Meade SCT @ f/55.

Philips PCVC 740k ToUcam Pro.


Exposure times: ~600 x 0.04 secs


Seeing initally excellent (Pickering 7-10.) but deteriorated later to fair. DIMM Reading (0.6"-0.7") Transparency excellent (7.0mag.)

Wind W (15-18km/hr.)



® . . . . . . . . . . Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2003 6:56 AM

Subject: More Mars images.


Hi all,


Another set from Aug 24th attached showing clearly the NPH.


Best Wishes,





® . . . . . . . . . . Sent: Monday, September 01, 2003 5:43 AM

Subject: Mars images (Aug 20th and 23rd.)


Hi all,


Here is a session taken at sea level on the 20th - under extremely poor seeing, and another set from the 23rd up at the top.


It was interesting to note on Aug 20th and 26th at sea level the very same kind of turbulence i refer to in my recent paper on the seeing conditions at Tenerife...


Best Wishes,



® . . . . . . . . . . Sent: Monday, September 01, 2003 9:24 AM

Subject: Final (best?) Mars images from La Palma.



Hi all,


Here is perhaps the best set of images taken at the Observatories on La Palma, obtained on August 22nd - which i almost didnt take due to being so tired at 4am!.


Out of interest i measured the smallest albedo markings resolved on the Martian disk in the red light image. The smallest details revealed are ~0.4" in angular width.


Solis Lacus is well defined, with coprates, Melas Lacus/Tithonius lacus also well seen. Detached SPC patch, NPH and Olympus Mons on the morning limb.


It was a memorable trip, and i shall never forget the great opposition of Mars seen from the Mountain-top...


Best Wishes,



Damian PEACH (Hertfordshire, UK)

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