LtE in CMO #278

From Donald C PARKER

® . . . . . . . .Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 02:12:40 +0000

Subject: Mars Images


Hi All,

           Here are some Mars images from 24 August.




MARS IMAGES  24 August, 2003


D.C. Parker, Coral Gables, FL. 16-in (41cm) Newtonian

           ST9XE CCD Camera  Eyepiece Projection @ f/58.6

                       Integration Times:

 RED (RG610 Red Filter, 610-1100nm: NO IR Rejection) 13s 1-3  images

 GREEN (CFW8C, 531nm central; BWHM 86nm)   0.32s 8-9 images

 BLUE (CFW8C, 450nm central, BWHM 116nm)   1.00s 8-9 images

             Images bias, flat and dark corrected.


Seeing poor to fair (4-6 Pickering), image excursion. Transparency 4.5 m. No wind. Altitude =43-46 degrees. No dew.


Violet Clearing - 2+. No dust clouds noted. Martian atmosphere clear. Some clouds near S. edge of NP Hood and on AM limb near volcanoes. Thyles Mons separating from western side of the SPC.



® . . . . . . . .Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 01:57:57 +0000

Subject: Mars Images


Hi All,

           Here are some Mars images from 25 August. Violet clearing stronger; arctic clouds increasing.




MARS IMAGES  25 August, 2003


D.C. Parker, Coral Gables, FL. 16-in (41cm) Newtonian

           ST9XE CCD Camera  Eyepiece Projection @ f/58.6

                       Integration Times:

 RED (RG610 Red Filter, 610-1100nm: NO IR Rejection)   0.11-0.16s 1  image

 GREEN (CFW8C, 531nm central; BWHM 86nm)   0.32s 7-10 images

 BLUE (CFW8C, 450nm central, BWHM 116nm)   1.00s  10-12 images

             Images bias,flat and dark corrected.


Seeing poor to fair (4-5 Pickering), image excursion.  Transparency 3.5-4.5 m. Wind E 4-13 kts.. Altitude =43-47 degrees. No dew.


Increased cloud activity along S. edge of NP Hood. A few AM limb clouds and faint clouds in Tharsis. Violet Clearing strong (2+) on CCD, 1+ visually.



® . . . . . . . .Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2003 06:28:03 +0000

Subject: Mars Images


Hi All,

           I have attached a Mars images taken by Andy Chaikin with my 10-inch Mewlon here in beautiful South Florida.





® . . . . . . . .Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2003 02:21:41 +0000

Subject: Mars Images


Hi All,

           Here are some Mars images from 28 August ( ω=023°W  ω=070°W).



® . . . . . . . .Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2003 04:14:19 +0000

Subject: Mars Images


Hi All,

           I have attached a Mars image from 27 August.




Don PARKER's Image on 27 August 2003 at 04:24 GMT

  λ=249°Ls,   (ω=042°W,   φ=19°S),   δ=25.1",   ι=5°

Seeing fair (6 Pickering). Transparency 4-4.5 m with frequent clouds.
High winds NE-E 10-22 kts. Altitude =45°. No dew.

Novus Mons east of SPC. NP Hood conspicuous. Delicate Am limb clouds over Tharsis, extending into Thaumasia. AM cloud over Dia.

PARKER uses a 41 cm Newtonian working at f/59 with an eyepiece projection together with ToUCam Pro WebCam.

Integration Times: 1/25 sec, 10 fps x 2 mins.
Processed in K3CCD Tools, 53 images stacked
Images dark corrected.

® . . . . . . . .Date: Wed, 03 Sept 2003 01:27:25 +0000

Subject: Mars Images


Hi All,

           Here are some belated Mars images from 30 August. Some increased cloud activity, especially near the North Polar Hood.




MARS IMAGES  30 August, 2003


D.C. Parker, Coral Gables, FL. 16-in (41cm) Newtonian

           ST9XE CCD Camera  Eyepiece Projection @ f/58.6

                       Integration Times:

 RED (RG610 Red Filter, 610-1100nm: NO IR Rejection)   0.13s 1-4  images

 GREEN (CFW8C, 531nm central; BWHM 86nm)   0.32s 6-11 images

 BLUE (CFW8C, 450nm central, BWHM 116nm)   0.95-1.20s  5-9 images

             Images bias,flat and dark corrected.


Seeing fair (5-7 Pickering).  Transparency 0-5 m, frequent clouds. Wind NE-ENE 8-17 kts, gusts to 25 kts. Altitude =40-48 degrees. No dew.


Strong Violet Clearing. Cloud streaks coming off NP Hood across Acidalium. Am limb clouds and faint localized clouds over Thaumasia.  SPC irregular edge; Novus Mons separating.



® . . . . . . . .Date: Fri, 05 Sept 2003 23:47:08 +0000

Subject: Mars Images


Hi All,

           Here are some Mars images from 3 Sept. under poor conditions. Novus Mons

appears to have separated into the "Mountains of Mitchel."




MARS IMAGES  3 September, 2003


D.C. Parker, Coral Gables, FL. 16-in (41cm) Newtonian

           ST9XE CCD Camera  Eyepiece Projection @ f/58.6

                       Integration Times:

 RED (RG610 Red Filter, 610-1100nm: NO IR Rejection)   0.13s-0.33 1-3  images

 GREEN (CFW8C, 531nm central; BWHM 86nm)   0.34s 8-12 images

 BLUE (CFW8C, 450nm central, BWHM 116nm)   1.10-4.00s  6-9 images

             Images bias, flat and dark corrected.


Seeing fair (5-7 Pickering).  Transparency 0-4 m, frequent clouds. Wind ESE 6-13 kts. Altitude =42-47 degrees. No dew.


Novus Mons splitting to form the "Mountains of Mitchel." Violet clearing strong (3+) both visulally and on CCD. NP Hood weaker than on 30 August, but cloud band still coming off it toward Acidalium. PM limb arc; Localized AM limb clouds rotating with planet.


® . . . . . . . .Date: Tue, 09 Sept 2003 22:19:01 +0000

Subject: Mars Images


Hi All,

           Here are some Mars images from 7 Sept. Despite poor seeing, the "Mountains

of Mitchel" have separated from the SPC and have split. No dust.




MARS IMAGES  7 September, 2003


D.C. Parker, Coral Gables, FL. 16-in (41cm) Newtonian

           ST9XE CCD Camera  Eyepiece Projection @ f/55.4

                       Integration Times:

 RED (RG610 Red Filter, 610-1100nm: NO IR Rejection)   0.13s-0.25s 1  image

 GREEN (CFW8C, 531nm central; BWHM 86nm)   0.42-0.57s 6-8 images

 BLUE (CFW8C, 450nm central, BWHM 116nm)   1.60-2.00s 5-8 images

             Images bias, flat and dark corrected.


Seeing poor (4 Pickering).  Transparency 2-3.5 m, frequent high clouds, haze. Wind WSW 2-5 kts. Altitude =47-48 degrees. Light dew.


No dust clouds. Novus Mons separated from SPC and divided into "Mountains of Mitchel." Antarctic cloud/haze west of SPC. Evening limb arc. NP Hood thin, weak. Faint AM limb clouds. Dark streaks on the floor of Hellas. Violet Clearing = 1+ visually.


Don PARKER (Miami, FL, USA)

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