LtE in CMO #278


® . . . . . . . Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 14:03:06 +0200

Subject: Mars 20030823-4


Dear all,


Here my latest Mars image under fair seeing and excellent transparency.


In spite of poor resolution and some artifacts there, I like very much this true color aspect of Mars with a large fog over Solis Lacus and over the NPH! RGB imagery doesn't allow the finest resolution given by IR frequency, but it's the only way to image the Red as our eyes do. I'm finding more and more LRGB technique (where L = R or IR) a "false color imaging" giving a monochromatic picture with red hue.




® . . . . . . . . . . Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 22:07:07 +0200

Subject: Mars 20030824


Dear all,


Here my latest Mars image under good seeing and fair transparency. Probably the best RGB image so far with my 7" maksutov... I improved R image through the DISTOR function by Iris correcting a certain amount of distortion due to the high frequency turbulence.




® . . . . . . . . . . Date: Tue, 02 Sept 2003 15:15:43 +0200

Subject: Mars 20030831


Dear all,


Here my latest Mars image under poor seeing and fair transparency. Syrtis Major does appear with a greenish hue and SPC is very small at this longitude.




® . . . . . . . . . . . Date: Sun, 07 Sept 2003 02:12:34 +0200

Subject: Mars 20030906


Dear all,


Here my latest Mars image under fair seeing and poor transparency. G and B images are ruined because of smoke all around caused by a local fire. Notice the very small SPC!




® . . . . . . . . . . . Date: Mon, 08 Sep 2003 13:11:09 +0200

Subject: Mars 20030906 new image


Dear all,


Here a new processed image with LRGB in addition to the RGB. Luminance taken at the same time by Cristian Fattinnanzi through R+IR method.




Paolo LAZZAROTTI (Massa, Toscana, Italia)

                                                                                                                                              (Italian High Quality Astro Instruments)

(Personal Photo Gallery)

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