LtE in CMO #278

From Wei-Leong TAN

® . . . . . . Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 21:49:18 +0800

Subject: mars image 24th August 2003


Dear mars observers,


Attached is the mars image from 24th August 2003. This is a stack of 580 manually selected frames out of 1800 frames.

Seeing 5-7/10 and transparency 8/10.


Best Regards


® . . . . . . .Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 22:50:14 +0800

Subject: mars image 25th August 2003


Dear mars observers,


The skies cleared up at the last minute and I had to use the 10" mewlon. Attached is the mars image from 25th August 2003. Mars has already reached the size of 25.1", just 0.1" to go before the max size.


Seeing was unsteady for this image and I could only pick 460 shot out of 1800 manually.


® . . . . . . . . Date: Sat, 30 Aug 2003 14:52:11 +0800

Subject: mars image 27th August 2003


Dear friends,


Attached is the mars image from 27th August 2003.


We had a session for a school here in Singapore which we setup some telescopes for the students. Many of them had their first few of mars thru the scopes. I am sure that all of them went away with great memories of this closest encounter.


By the time we pack up and went to the observatory the seeing has degraded and clouds already started to roll in. I managed to capture just one AVI for the whole night. Seeing was very bad and I could not all.


I managed to pick out 23 frames out of 2400 frames from this AVI and processed this image. Transparency is bad as a thin layer of clouds already rolled in.


Anyway we still get one image :)


Thanks for looking


® . . . . . . . . Date: Mon, 1 Sept 2003 23:41:41 +0800

Subject: mars image 31st August 2003


Dear friends,


Attached is the mars image from 31st August 2003. Good seeing and transparency allows me to apply very little processing to the image.


® . . . . . . . . Date: Thu, 4 Sept 2003 12:45:31 +0800

Subject: mars image 3rd Sept 2003


Dear friends,


Here's the mars image from 3rd Sept 2003. Transparency is average and seeing is poor.


I've switch to just posting the URL of my image as there seems to be some problems with my SMTP server sending out the files. 




® . . . . . . .Date: Fri, 5 Sept 2003 09:27:16 +0800

Subject: mars image 4th Sept 2003


Dear friends,


Here's the mars image from 4th Sept 2003. Seeing and transparency is a little poorer compared to the 3rd and I had to apply harder processing. Fast moving low clouds makes imaging difficult.


I am sending images out as URL, if you need me to send images to you as attachment pls let me know and I will do it.




TAN Wei-Leong (Singapore)

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