LtE in CMO #279

From Damian A PEACH

® . . . . . . . .Date: Wed, 17 Sept 2003 22:23:16 +0100

Subject: Saturn on september 17 2003 - spot still present.


Hi Christophe,


Thanks for the excellent Saturn images. Please see the attached image. I composited two of your images that are sufficiently close in time to avoid smearing caused by rotation. The improved S/N and strong sharpen brings out the low contrast details of the cloud belts. As you can see, the small spot remains, and moves with the rotation of the Planet.


As was noted last apparition, these spots are very low contrast features, and require excellent seeing to be captured clearly.


Here is the data i took from the images:


04:04.6 UT     CM3=206.1     -40.4

04:08.8 UT     CM3=202.8     -40.0


If anything, the spot at this very preliminary stage shows a slightly retrograding drift, but its to early to provide accurate drifts of the feature.


Keep up the excellent work!.


Best Wishes,


® . . . . . . . .Date: Thu, 18 Sept 2003 11:16:45 +0100

Subject: Re: 20030917 Saturn


Hi Eric,


Thanks for the great Saturn image. It reveals all the fine belts and zones clearly. Also note the small dark SPC, with bright collar remains from last apparition, and the belts generally look much the same as before solar conjunction.


Hope you are able to shoot more soon :).


Best Wishes,


Damian PEACH (Hertfordshire, UK)

ALPO/BAA Jupiter Sections; BAA Saturn Section


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