LtE in CMO #242

From  Carlos E HERNANDEZ

@. . . . . . Masami-san,

The current Mars apparition is becoming very exciting as the Red Planet increases in apparent size. We shall soon be witnessing detail not witnessed upon Mars for some time. I have attached my latest Mars observation for your records. I hope that it proves useful to your studies. The best of luck to you, Dr. Minami, your fellow recorders and the rest of the OAA Mars Section.


Date (U.T.): April 8, 2001

Time (U.T.): 08:20 (left image), 09:10 (right image)

CM: 188.1 (left image), 195.4 (right image)

Ls: 142.6, De: -0.3, Ds: +14.7

Diameter (arc-seconds): 11.2

Telescope: 8-inch (20-cm) f/7.5 Newtonian

Magnification: 305x, 356x

Filters: Wratten 23A, 38A, 47, 64, 80A

Seeing (1-10): 4-6, Antoniadi (I-V): III

Transparency (1-6): 4 (hazy)

Violet (W47, or Blue (W38A)) Clearing (0-3): 2


08:20 U.T. (left image):    A drawing of Mars made using a Wratten 23A filter. The North Polar Cap (NPC) is very small, but brilliant (10/10) over the North Polar limb. It appears surrounded by a dark to dusky (3-4/10) collar composed of Ierne and Lemuria. Scandia and Diacria appear dark to dusky (3-4/10) just preceding the CM. Panchaia appears dark to dusky (3-4/10) as well just following the CM. The region enclosed by Lemuria to the north, Diacria to the east (preceding), Trivium Charontis to the south and Panchaia to the west (following) appears mottled under moments of steady seeing. Trivium Charontis appears dark (3/10) with a dark to dusky (4/10) Cerberus projecting from it to the southwest (SW, or South-following (SF)). The Amazonis-Arcadia region appears dusky to dull (4-5/10). Elysium appears very bright (8/10). Mare Sirenum towards the South-preceding (Sp) limb appears dark (3/10). Mare Cimmerium appears dark (3/10) and homogenous from the CM to the Sf limb. A dark to very dark condensation was visible between the two large southern marias over Atlantis (possibly a contrast effect from an extremely brilliant South Polar Haze (SPH). Memnonia, Zephyria, and Aeolis appear bright (7/10).


09:10 U.T. (right image):  A drawing of Mars made using Wratten 38A, 47, 64, and 80A filters. The North Polar Cap (NPC) region appears brilliant (10/10). An extremely bright (9/10) cloud (probable orographic, or mountain-associated) appears over the northern half of Elysium. This cloud is similar to the one imaged by Donald C. Parker on April 5 and 6, 2001. An extremely bright (9/10) evening limb haze (ELH) is visible over the preceding limb. An Extremely bright (9/10) South Polar Haze (SPH) is noted over the southern limb. An extremely bright (9/10) morning limb haze (MLH) is visible over the following limb. Mare Sirenum, Mare Cimmerium, Trivium Charontis and the Phlegra-Hades region were moderately visible using Written 38A and 47 filters (a Violet (or Blue) clearing of 2/3).


(9 April 2001 email)

 Carlos E HERNANDEZ (Miami FL USA)

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