LtE in CMO #251


@ . . . . . . . I have attached copies of my first images of Jupiter taken since Jupiter was lost is the solar glare last spring.

I have included methane and IR images, and one false colour using methane, IR, and red filtered images as the RGB components.  My attempts at a true RGB did not workout.

I have been trying to use the limb darkening correction routine which Antonio sent out, and I am still learning how to produce a good mask.  My first attempts are shown in the center column of images, with corrected IR and Methane images.  This procedure looks to be very good for drawing out features.

The right column presents another test.  There has been discussion of continuum leakage in the methane filters, and the broad bandpss of mine (18nm) does not isolate the methane band as well as it might be.  Since my IR filter passes a broad band +/-300nm centered on 800-830nm (depending upon which filter I use), I have tried to subtract the IR image from the Methane image to remove the non-methane 'noise'.  This is a crude a first attempt, but I feel that there is some change in the final image.  I am not sure if this is merely cosmetic, but I would appreciate any comments on the prospects of using this process to improve the value of the methane images.

Questions/comments/suggestions on any of the images and methods are most appreciated.

(29 August 2001 email)


@ . . . . . . . ・・・A few notes which I neglected to send with the original message.

1 - a large dark marking visible in the NPR, visible in the IR, methane and red images. 

2 - arc of darker material between the two dark spots on the NEB which is visible across the EZ

3 - 2 white spots on the following limb in the STeB or STeZ

4 - large white spot bordering the SEB in the EZ, most visible in the limb corrected IR frame

5 - two white spots on the preceeding limb near the GRS

(29 August 2001 email)

Brian COLVILLE (Cambray, Ontario, Canada)

Maple Ridge Observatory


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