LtE in CMO #252

From   Edward Arnold GRAFTON

@. . . . . . Subject: Re: Saturn Observation 9-20-01,

At 01:45 AM 9/22/01 EDT, wrote:


>   I'm moving to Houston.....


 Hi Maurizio, Come on down! The seeing was rather good for several consecutive days in Houston. But the previous 10 days before this string of good seeing was not anything to covet.   We had a cold front move through today which will bring a period of unsteady but very clear skies with it. Last year the seeing went to heck toward the end of October with only a few good days until spring. At my Houston location we pretty much need southerly winds to get good seeing, the laminar flow off the Gulf is whats needed (besides the jet stream being far away). The winters are quite variable in Houston so this winter will be pot luck as usual. A mild winter is best for my location as Houston does get assaulted by the polar jet although we rarely get a freeze. I know you guys are over due for some excellent seeing in S. Florida so maybe the good days will be rolling in soon for the S. Florida planetary imagers.

 My brother (Don Grafton) lives in Naples so maybe one day I will make it to South Florida and see your skies first hand.                 Steady skies

 (25 October 2001 email)


@ . . . . . . . Subject: Jupiter Observation 10-02-01,

Jupiter image : October 02 2001  10:58 UT


Seeing was variable with moments of excellent seeing 4~9/10. Some patches of cirrus were passing through, transparency excellent 9/10, wind calm, light dew. Shadow transit of Io near GRS, and Io noted as bright spot on SEB. Low contrast oval feature noted in STB at about 10 o'clock from Io.

(2 October 2001 email)


@ . . . . . . . Subject: Re: Jupiter Observation 10-02-01

At 08:00 AM 10/3/01 +0800, Tan Wei Leong wrote:


>Can I stay with you for a few weeks :)

Sure Tan, just brings lots of beer and women.

 (3 October 2001 9:23JST)


@ . . . . . . . Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2001 05:25:52 -0500

From: (Ed Grafton)


Subject: Jupiter Observation 10-18-01, 9:36 UT

Hi Jupiter fans

Jupiter image : October 18 2001  9:36 UT



        Ed Grafton, Houston Texas, ST6 CCD medium resolution mode 14 inch  f/11 Celestron SCT


        Eyepiece Projection @ f/68 w/10mm plossel, projected 70mm, aprox.

        .23 arc seconds per pixel


                Integration Times:

                3 BLUE  + IR rejection, .6  seconds, Edmunds filters

                3 GREEN + IR rejection, .6  seconds, Edmunds filters

                3 RED       + IR rejection, .6  seconds, Edmunds filters

                6 IR bloocker only      .3 seconds, Edmunds IR Blocker



Seeing was variable with moments of good seeing 4-8/10. Transparency excellent 9/10, wind calm, heavy dew. Shadow transit of Io seen on SEB, and Io noted as bright spot on SEB. Ganymede seen partially eclipsed by Jupiter as was it was beginning to be eclipsed.


@ . . . . . . .Hi Saturn fans

Saturn image : October 18 2001  8:52 UT 


        Ed Grafton, Houston Texas, ST6 CCD medium resolution mode 14 inch  f/11 Celestron SCT


        Eyepiece Projection @ f/68 w/10mm plossel, projected 70mm, aprox.

        .23 arc seconds per pixel

                Integration Times:

                2 BLUE  + IR rejection, .6  seconds, Edmunds filters

                5 GREEN + IR rejection, .6  seconds, Edmunds filters

                3 RED       + IR rejection, .6  seconds, Edmunds filters

                10 no filter            .3 seconds, Edmunds IR Blocker


Seeing was excellent 9/10. Transparency excellent 9/10, wind calm, heavy dew.

(20 October 2001 email)

 Ed GRAFTON (Houston, Texas USA)

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