LtE in CMO #253

From   Edward Arnold GRAFTON

@. . . . . . Here is the image that was taken on 11-07-2001 that I have just now had time to process.

Saturn image : November 11-07 2001 at 7:49 UT

The image can be viewed or downloaded from the URL: 

 (13 November 2001 email)


@ . . . . . . . Here is my latest Jupiter shot:

Jupiter images : November 11-08 2001 at 7:47 and 9:21 UT

(18 November 2001 email)


@ . . . . . . .Subject: Jupiter Observation 11-18-2001 at 7:47 UT

 The sky in Houston Texas was clear with some light fog on the morning of 11-19-01. The temperature was in the mid 60's and only dropped 2 degrees F over a 5 hour period. A cold front is moving through Houston tonight so I do not expect seeing will be good for several days. A dark blue streak seems to have developed in the SEB. This image shows no resolved condensations in the NTB at this longitude. Io is present in the image and has a somewhat orange appearance.

(18 November 2001 email)


@ . . . . . . . Here is another shot from 11-19-2001

Jupiter images : November 11-19-2001 at 9:42 UT

 (20 November 2001 email)


@ . . . . . . . Here is a Saturn image that was taken on 11-19-2001 from Houston Texas at 6:39 UT.


The seeing was excellent with very little to no degradation due to the atmosphere on most sub-exposures. This image probably represents close to the limit of what the C14 can do as far as resolution is concerned as the atmosphere was not really destructive during these exposures. Later the seeing decayed to about 7/10 when I was shooting Jupiter that same mourning.

  This image was processed with non linear filters to enhance the visibility of the C ring.

 (22 November 2001 email)

 Ed GRAFTON (Houston, Texas USA)

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