LtE in CMO #288

From Christophe PELLIER


® . . . . . . . . .Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2004 12:35:41 +0100

Subject: Jupiter, january 28th 2004


 Hi all, here are some Jupiter images. The seeing was good but there was some haze in the sky, the UV and integrated images have been taken through it



On another topic, please note that since december I have taken the responsibility of the Mars Section in the SAF (which coordinate also the observations of Venus and Mercury). I'm succeeding to Daniel Crussaire.


Best wishes,


® . . . . . . . . Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2004 13:03:42 +0100

Subject: Re: Venus, january 29th 2004


 Hi all, a great number of people are legitimately expressing their concern about that the dark arc band could be an artifact. I have been also surprised by the look of the images, nonetheless it's definitely apparent already on the raw images - here you have one that is taken from the last UV capture. Moreover I find hard to understand why an artifact would reproduce itself exactly the same on six different images... So as far as I know for me it's a real feature, but if someone has more data please send it to me !

Best wishes,


® . . . . . . . . Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2004 18:51:23 +0100

Subject: Saturn, January 29th 2004


 Hi everyone,


For these images, the seeing was very good at the beginning when I took the UV image (200 x 2 sec.), which is the sharpest I have obtained so far.


 Seeing then noticeably degraded. Nonetheless, there is again a possible white temperate spot (arrowed in the green image) at III = 245°.


Best wishes


® . . . . . . . . Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2004 19:11:30 +0100

Subject: Mars, January 29th 2004


Hi all, Here are my first Mars images since December. Seeing was good. Elysium is caught in R and IR, but the SPC is not apparent. I have also tried to secure an UV image for the first time thanks to the ATK-1HS (200 x 1 sec). It enhanced greatly the white clouds, but oddly Mare Tyrrhenum looks still visible!

Best wishes


® . . . . . . . . Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2004 20:30:19 +0100

Subject: Jupiter, january 29th and 30th 2004


 Hi everyone - some recent Jupiter images. On january 29th, it was again an unexpected clear night (after our first snow episode here in six years !), but seeing was again not good. I stayed in the garden with the 7" newtonian. On january 30th, I have used the C14 and an accessory to reduce the focal length (what's the word?) with the 2x barlow, for the UV images. But as seeing was only fairly good I have taken all the images with this setting. The UV images are taken in 3 mn, 150 raw frames each with 0,5 second exposure.


The STB dark spot seems to be in conjunction with the GRS ; very dark in blue, it's faint in IR light. Note that it has been caught in UV also. The last UV image may show that big white spot imaged in UV by Tomio Akutsu on january 25th (CM I = 321°), much fainter; it does seem to corresponds to a plume here and not to a base festoon but that's only a possibility.

Best wishes


® . . . . . . . . Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2004 23:42:57 +0100

Subject: Venus, february 2nd 2004


 Hello everyone : I have one hour or two of good seeing this afternoon to try imaging again Venus. This time, the details in UV have a more classical shape, with white "polar cusps" much like Frank's images of yesterday. As my technique was exactly identical as the three previous attempts, I find that the idea of a technical problem on january 29th is becoming harder to sustain... Apart of this, the W47 filter + IR cut confirms the pattern of the UV dark markings, with less contrast. The blue filter seems to faintly show the darker ones. In IR, some faint dark shadings may be visible again (horizontally).

Best wishes


® . . . . . . . . Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2004 22:42:41 +0100

Subject: Jupiter, february 5th 2004


 Hi all, here are some recent images taken with the 16" newtonian of Gino Farroni, the Jupiter SAF coordinator - seeing was poor/fair. The aspect of the STC following BA is remarkable...


Best wishes


® . . . . . . . . Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2004 22:50:24 +0100

Subject: Saturn, February 4th 2004


Hi all, These images show one of the white spots (here at L3 = 252°). I've finally obtained the quality I was more or less looking for in UV (thanks to a lower focal length, bigger scope and the absence of a correcting plate!) : 600 raws have been stacked with an exposure of 0,5 sec. each.

Best wishes


® . . . . . . . . Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2004 11:55:23 +0100

Subject: Mars, february 8th 2004


Hi all, one small Mars from yesterday evening. Solis Lacus is seen as well as the other markings in the region.



® . . . . . . . . Date: Sat, 7 Feb 2004 20:54:26 +0100

Subject: Re: Jupiter, february 5th 2004


 Dear John, I wish you were right ! This would be fantastic.

Best wishes


> Dear Christophe,


> Yes, it is remarkable -- and even more so in Jesus R. Sanchez' colour

> image on the same night.  Could this be a new 'South Temperate

> Disturbance' leading to the birth of a new generation of white ovals, as

> in 1940?  Time will tell....


> Thanks for those images.

> Best wishes,

   > John ROGERS


® . . . . . . . . Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2004 00:23:49 +0100

Subject: Jupiter, february 10th 2004


Hi everyone, Seeing was fair/poor on february 10th and I have then used a focal reducer. The steadiness was much better in IR, as expected, but also in UV, less expected, and that's something I have noticed on Venus also... I may have a "misalignement" of a bright UV patch and dark base festoon in IR, such as in Tomio's images in the first UV and IR images, but not on the seconds I think.

Best wishes


® . . . . . . . . Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2004 00:14:18 +0100

Subject: Saturn, February 9th 2004


Hi all : some Saturn images on february 9th. The spot at 250-260° looks to have disappeared: it's not visible in the second LRGB image even at very high contrast.


The UV image has been made with more than 500 exposures (2 seconds each)

Best wishes


® . . . . . . . . Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2004 17:14:32 +0100

Subject: Mars, february 9th 2004


Please find attached my last Mars image...

Best wishes


Christophe PELLIER (Bruz, Ille-et-Vilaine, France)

Coordinateur Section Mars et planètes telluriques de la SAF

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