LtE in CMO #273

From Johan WARELL

® . . . . . . . . . . Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2003 14:24:55 -0700

From: Johan Warell <>


Subject: First Mars drawings of the season


Attached Drawings: 14 June, 15 June, 16 June, 17 June, and 19 June 2003


Dear Richard, Masatsugu and Dan,


I send you here the first visual observations of Mars I have made this year. I am now (since June 2) a post-doc associate researcher at the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory in Tucson and I just had (of course!) to go and get myself some kind of telescope in order not to miss out on Mars since I'm so far away from all my other scopes. I have used a 25 cm f/10 LX200 SCT which works beautifully. I have started taking ToUCam AVI's as well but I'm waiting for a UV-IR blocker before sending some of that work out.


The drawings are scanned and annoted in the computer. Is this they way you would like the visual drawings sent to you, as jpg files, or do you rather prefer photocopies? What I would like to do in the future, after producing an updated observing form, is to send the complete scanned form (A4 or letter size) as a jpg, including the descriptions etc. That would be the smallest amount of work for me. Tell me what you prefer.


As for Mars, the detail around Solis Lacus has been rather difficult to make out clearly, except for the June 19 obs where I'm quite confident of what I saw. Interesting detail in the SPC, due to SPH remnants? Persistent haze at the N limb, due to the NPH? The pm limb haze has been very thin and well defined, as well as an isolated equatorial am cloud.


Phew, it's hot here in the Saguaro desert! Some 40 Centigrades and sunshine all the time! Not what I am used to from Uppsala. And a dark sky in the middle of summer as well so that you can observe all year around. Excellent!


Till later!


All the best wishes,



Johan WARELL (Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, Tucson, Arizona, USA)  

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