LtE in CMO #274


® . . . . . .Date: Thu, 3 July 2003 05:41:44 +1000

From: "Maurice Valimberti" <>

To: "Masatsugu MINAMI" <>

Cc: "Donald Parker" <>, <>

Subject: Mars 2nd July


Attached is an image taken this morning at 17:00 UT. There appears to be an interesting 'patch' over Nilokeras (extending W?). Unfortunately, I was unable to image later due to heavy fog. I will process & send two other sets taken at about this CM for cross-reference purposes soon.



® . . . . . .Date: Fri, 4 July 2003 08:15:46 +1000

From: "Maurice Valimberti" <>

To: <>

Subject: Re: Iapygia


Dear Masatsugu


Unfortunately I have no observations for you today; too much heavy fog here to see anything! Hopefully others have managed a look? I will attempt to start early overnight if the weather cooperates.


Best regards


® . . . . . .Date: Sat, 5 July 2003 03:56:31 +1000

From: "Maurice Valimberti" <>

To: <>

Subject: Re: RE:Re: Iapygia - Mars 4th July


Dear Masatsugu


I tried to observe Mars at 13:02UT when it was about 10-12 deg. or so above my horizon and in cloud. Understandably, the result was not good. I managed a single file before heavier cloud obscured Mars completely. I have attached that image here, although I think that it may not be of much use. Visually, the result was even worse with Mars boiling nicely in the eyepiece! I have stayed up most of the night in the hope of the sky clearing, but it looks as if this will not happen. Maybe tomorrow.




® . . . . . .Date: Wed, 9 July 2003 06:53:11 +1000

From: "Maurice Valimberti" <>

To: <>

Cc: "Donald Parker" <>, <>

Subject: Mars 8th July


Dear Masatsugu


Finally a clear night with at least fair seeing! Attached is a composite of two images from this morning showing a dusty/hazy Mars....This is a preliminary image - I will send another version later today.




® . . . . . .Date: Wed, 9 July 2003 08:53:05 +1000

From: "Maurice Valimberti" <>

To: <>

Subject: Re: RE:Mars 8th July


Dear Masatsugu


Yes, I will try and squeeze some more out of the data. I will also add some images as a check for the ones I sent.




® . . . . . .Date: Wed, 9 July 2003 22:54:49 +1000

From: "Maurice Valimberti" <>

To: <>

Subject: Re: RE:Mars 8th July - final


Dear Masatsugu


Sorry for the delay in sending you the final version of my images for the 8th July UT - they took a little longer to process than was expected.




Maurice VALIMBERTI (Melbourne, Australia)

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