LtE in CMO #275


® . . . . . . . .Date: Wed, 16 July 2003 16:31:22 -0600

Subject: Image of Mars 13 July 2003


Dear Sir:


I am a Mexican amateur astronomer and imager. I have set "Orion" observatory at Lat: N 19°03’ and Long: W 100° 09’. Altitude 2130 meters above sea level. I use 3 main instruments, a 10" f/20 TEC Maksutov; a 12" LX-200GPS and a 6" f/12 "Superplanetary" A-P refractor.


The Mars image was taken the 13th of July 2003 at 10:17 UT. LCM=140°.


I set the 10" f/20 Maksutov at f/50 and imaged with a ToUcam set at 1/33 second and 10fps. 311 images were stacked with Registax.


Best regards,


Eric ROEL (Mexico)

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