LtE in CMO #275

From Jeffrey D BEISH

® . . . . . . . .Date: Thu, 10 July 2003 10:13:02 -0400

Subject: Re: RE:thought it was over!


Masatsugu, I can still remember when I lived on Okinawa how nice the sky was.  The few times I observed the air was steady and clear.  Also, one could se the Milky Way even near Naha.  Times have changed all over the world.  Some day the night will be day.  I can see the Milky Way form home and usually M31 and at times M33 are visible without optical aid. How at my age these can be done is a mystery.


® . . . . . . . .Date: Sat, 12 July 2003 07:49:35 -0400

Subject: new articles on web page


I have updated The Sand Ships of Mars and added The Dusty Sand Ships of Mars to my web page ( 

Interesting new dusty events to report.


® . . . . . . . .From: "DustyMars" <>

To: "Masami MURAKAMI" <>;

 "Richard McKim"<>

Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 7:51 PM

Subject: Mars 17 July 2003


This drawing was made on the morning of July 17, 2003 from eastern Highlands County, Florida. Chris Stephan was the team leader for a joint IOTA/ALPO expedition to observe the Mars graze. Our location was set up at the 50% mid graze line. The sky was perfectly clear. 7 people made up the team. They were: Earl Conrad, Doug Morton, Greg Shanos, Donald Parker, Jeff Beish, Andy Chaikin, and Chris Stephan. Our coordinates were:  W81°03'.19, N27°17'.92,  height = 10 meters



® . . . . . . . .Date: Sun, 20 July 2003 07:14:20 -0400

Subject: Chris Stephan’s: Highlands County, Florida -- Mars Graze


A team of 7 members successfully observed the graze of Mars on July 17, 2003 from far eastern Highlands County, Florida. This was a combined group for IOTA/ALPO. Chris Stephan was the team leader. The rest of the team included Earl Conrad, Doug Morton, Greg Shanos, Jeff Beish, Andrew Chaikin, and Donald Parker.


We set up at the mid graze site, at W81°03'.19 N27°17'.92 at an elevation of 10 meters. This was on Boat Ramp Rd. about 200 feet east of Highlands County Rd. 721. The skies were absolutely clear. Andrew and Donald both recorded the event with a web cam attached to their telescopes. Andrew used a Celestron 11", Donald a 6" f-8 reflector. A few of Andrew's photos are seen here. The times are in EDT.


What a spectacular event. I would say, for me, it was one of the most exciting a lovely celestial events I have observed in over 30 years of observing. The team work great together!


I also observed the event naked eye for Dr. Mitsuru Soma of Japan. He was studying historical records of a Mars occultation that occurred in the 7th century over Japan. Dr. Soma needed observers to make naked eye measurements and time the exact time one could last see Mars against the edge of the Moon and the exact time one could first see it on the opposite edge. I submitted this with these coordinates. They seem to have been very helpful to him and helps support their value for the 7th century event.


I want to thank the team. Andrew came from the Boston, MA. area, Don came from Miami, Greg from Sarasota, Jeff from Lake Placid, Earl, Doug, and myself from Sebring.


Kye Ewing also had a group about 20 miles west of our team, in Venus township. They, too, had a successful event. Thanks to Kye and her team.


Chris Stephan

Robert Clyde Observatory


You can find some images here:



® . . . . . . . .Date: Tue, 22 July 2003 04:24:01 -0400

Subject: Re: RE:Highlands County, Florida -- Mars Graze




I too am tired from observing Mars almost every morning since May 2nd, 2003! I am late this morning so will finish my drawing later.


The graze observation was exciting and fun.  Don and I always enjoy observing together.  We are blessed with excellent seeing here and always clear sky early each morning.  The sky is not clear late at night so I will continu to observe Mars during the night and early morning as long as the planet is visible.


I get so much e-mail that I must have missed Mitsuru Soma's message.


Take care and get rest, Mars is yet to show off.



Jeff BEISH (Lake Placid, 27.3°N/ 81.3°W, FL, USA)


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