LtE in CMO #276

From Damian A PEACH

® . . . . . . . .Date: Sat, 26 July 2003 18:29:03 +0100

Subject: Mars images, July 26th.


Hi all,


Here are some Mars images from this morning. Seeing conditions were rather poor this morning (post cold front).


However, the large diameter of Mars still reveals many details both visually and with the camera.


Note that Edom appears bright, details are visible across Hellas, and Rima Australis & Novus Mons are also visible within the SPC.


Best Wishes,


® . . . . . . . .Date: Mon, 28 July 2003 05:52:51 +0100

Subject: Mars images, July 28th.


Hi all,


Here are some Mars images from this morning, with Syrtis Major on the CM. Note Alcyonius Nodus coming into view. Novus Mons bright, along with Rima Australis. Visually Rima A. is easily seen at 540× with the W#25 filter.


Best Wishes,


® . . . . . . . .Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2003 18:21:02 +0100

Subject: Mars images, August 2nd.


Hi all,


Here are some delayed Mars images from August 2nd. Seeing conditions were poor during this session, as a front cleared away to the east.


After these images (due to various reasons) will not be imaging again until ~Aug 19th from more southerly latitudes :).


Best Wishes,



Damian PEACH (Hertfordshire,UK)

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