2005 Mars Images 0830 30 August 2005 (λ=279°Ls)
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30 August 2005 (λ=279°Ls, ι=43°)
00:13 GMT (ω=076°W, φ=13°S)
20cm SCT, 2×Barlow
ToUcam Pro II
Busto Arsizio, ITALY

30 August 2005 (λ=278°Ls, ι=43°)
01:38~03:38 GMT (ω=080, 094, 109°W, φ=13°S)
25cm Dall-Kirkham Cass @ f /50
ToUcam pro & ATK-1HS II
IR, B filters
(Note) : The images left to right are a colour Toucam, an IR-filtered Toucam, a blue-filtered ATK image with IR blocked, the IR(synth.G)B composite (L=IR), and a 50/50 mixture of that with the Toucam colour image.
Stag Lane Observatory, Edgware,UK

KARRER, Michael
30 August 2005 (λ=279°Ls, ι=43°)
01:45 GMT (ω=083°W, φ=13°S)
18cm Refractor, @ f /44
ToUcam (IR Block filter)
St. Radegund, AUSTRIA

PEACH, Damian
30 August 2005 (λ=279°Ls, ι=43°)
02:09~02:43 GMT (ω=090, 096°W φ=13°S )
35cm SCT, @ f /40
Lumenera Lu075M camera
Loudwater, Bkh, UK

30 August 2005 (λ=279°Ls, ι=43°)
02:27 GMT (ω=095°W, φ=13°S)
28cm SCT, 330, 350×
(Note) : Seeing 7~8/10, Transparency : 4~5/6
The SPC can be seen
Low contrast in the southern areas
ARGYRE (southern terminator) is normal bright (1)
Equatorial white spot (ECB) in the XANTHE (2)
Whit cloud is located above AMAZONIS (3)
Arctic haze (NPH) persist (4)
Hattstatt, FRANCE

PELLIER, Christophe
30 August 2005 (λ=279°Ls, ι=43°)
03:05~05:02 GMT (ω=104, 131°W φ=13°S )
21cm Mewlon @ f /53~69
Lumenera Lu075M camera
nr Paris, FRANCE

30 August 2005 (λ=279°Ls, ι=43°)
04:23~05:39 GMT (ω=123, 132, 141°W φ=13°S )
30cm Dall-Kirkham, @ f /50
ToUcam Pro ICX424
La Carolina, Jaén, SPAIN

30 August 2005 (λ=279°Ls, ι=43°)
04:56 GMT (ω=131°W, φ=13°S)
25cm Spec @ f /60
ToUcam PCVC750k

PARKER, Donald C
30 August 2005 (λ=279°Ls, ι=43°)
08:30~09:27 GMT (ω=187, 194, 197°W, φ=13°S)
41cm spec, @ f/55
ST9XE Camera
Coral Gables, FL. USA

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