2005 Mars Images 1219 19 December 2005 (λ=343°Ls)
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19 December 2005 (λ=343°Ls, ι=29°)
00:15 GMT (ω=137°W, φ=20°S)
40cm Spec, @ f /38
ToUcam 740
nr Greenwood, SC, USA

19 December 2005 (λ=343°Ls, ι=29°)
02:50 GMT (ω=175°W, φ=20°S)
20cm SCT, @ f /20
ToUcam Pro II
Holtsville, NY, USA

BUDA, Stefan
19 December 2005 (λ=343°Ls, ι=29°)
10:23 GMT (ω=285°W, φ=20°S)
40cm Dall-Kirkham, @ f/35
ToUcam 740 (UV & IR Block)
Melbourne, AUSTRALIA

19 December 2005 (λ=343°Ls, ι=29°)
14:12~15:05 GMT
(ω=341°, 349°, 354°W, φ=20°S)
20cm SCT, @ f /28
ToUcam (IR block)
(Note) : The observing location is Cebu, PHILIPPINES.
Tochigi, JAPAN

19 December 2005 (λ=343°Ls, ι=29°)
18:00~19:15 GMT (ω=036°~050°W, φ=20°S)
10cm refractor, (f /10), 200×
SPC: of very little size on a brighter area with a dark collar.
NPH: a white dot circled with a dark collar and 2 white area at limb and south of Mare Acidalium are well seen (W11, W8 and blue filters), bright haze east and west of the dot.
Chryse bright in all colour filters.
Solis Lacus area: nothing special.
A white dot at south of Sinus Meridiani and Mare Sirenum.
Chalce very bright. South of Titonius very bright.
White cloud on Argyre? (W80A, W38A, W11).
Mainly: a lot of atmospheric activity at the limbs.
  Seeing conditions were near perfect and features rather seen contrasted during calm times. The best conditions since the beginning of this Mars incoming opposition.
H loc = UT + 1H.
All drawings are done with a 90°mirror diagonal and 102mm refractor.
South and north are indicated.
Legend: B (bright). W (white)

Ecquevilly, France

PEACH, Damian
19 December 2005 (λ=343°Ls, ι=29°)
19:23, 19:55 GMT (ω=057°, 065°W, φ=20°S)
Another set of images : B images (ω=052°~066°W)
35cm SCT, @ f /40
Lumenera Lu075M
Loudwater, Buckinghamshire, UK

TYLER, David
19 December 2005 (λ=343°Ls, ι=29°)
20:02~20:33 GMT (ω=067°, 072°, 074°W, φ=20°S)
36cm SCT, @ f/50
Lumenera 075 camera
Trutek RGB filters in ATK filter block
(type 1 Red and type 2 Green & Blue)
Flackwell Heath, Bkh, UK

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