Kazunari Shibata、年次報告、1999年 1. refereed paper Evolution of Eruptive Flares. II. The Occurrence of the Locally Enhanced Resistivity in the Preflare Phase, Magara, T., and Shibata, K., {\it Ap. J.}, 514, 456-471 (1999) Alfven Wave Model of Spicules and Coronal Heating, Kudoh, T., and Shibata, K., {\it Ap. J.}, 514, 493-505 (1999) Dynamics of Local Isolated Magnetic Flux Tubes in a Rapidly Rotating Stellar Atmosphere, Chou, W., Tajima, T., Matsumoto, R., and Shibata, K. {\it PASJ}, 51, 103-113 (1999) Magnetic Reconnection as the Origin of Galactic Ridge X-ray Emission, Tanuma, S., Yokoyama, T., Kudoh, T., Matsumoto, R., Shibata, K., and Makishima, K., {\it PASJ}, 51, 161-172 (1999) Occurrence Rate of Microflares in an X-ray Bright Point within an Active Region, Shimojo, M., and Shibata, K., {\it Ap. J.}, 516, 934-938 (1999) Relativistic Jet Formation from Black Hole Magnetized Accretion Disks: Method, Tests, and Applications of General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamic Numerical Code, Koide, S., Shibata, K., Kudoh, T., {\it Ap. J.}, 522, 727-752 (1999) A Microwave Study of Coronal Ejecta, Kundu, M. R., Nindos, A., Raulin, J. -P., Shibasaki, K., White, S. M., Nitta, N., Shibata, K., and Shimojo, M., {\it Ap. J.}, 520, 391-398 (1999) Numerical MHD Simulation of Astrophysical Problems by Using CIP-MOCCT Method, Kudoh, T., Matsumoto, R., Shibata, K., {\it Computational Fluid Dynamics Journal}, vol. 8, 56-68 (1999) Origin of Universal Correlation between the Flare Temperature and the Emission Measure for Solar and Stellar Flares, Shibata, K., Yokoyama, T., {\it Ap. J. Lett.}, 526, L49-L52 (1999) Evidence of Magnetic Reconnection in Solar Flares and a Unified Model of Flares, Shibata, K., {\it Astrophys. Sp. Sci.}, in press (1999) 2. Proceedings paper Shibata, K. Solar Flares, Jets, and Magnetic Helicity, in Magnetic Helicity in Space and Laboraotory Plasmas, M. Brown, R. Canfield, A. Pevtsov (eds.), AGU Monograph 111, AGU, pp. 229-238, 1999 (invited paper) Shibata, K.; Yokoyama, T. MHD Simulations of Magnetic Reconnection and Solar Flares, in "Numerical Astrophysics", S. M. Miyama et al. (eds.), Kluwer Academic Pub., pp. 303-310, 1999 (invited paper) Tonooka, H.; Matsumoto, R.; Chou, W.; Tajima, T.; Shibata, K. Three-Dimensional MHD Simulations of the Emergence of Twisted Magnetic Flux Tubes in the Solar Atmosphere, in "Numerical Astrophysics", S. M. Miyama et al. (eds.), Kluwer Academic Pub., pp. 343-344, 1999 Magara, T.; Shibata, K. The 3-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Solar Flares, in "Numerical Astrophysics", S. M. Miyama et al. (eds.), Kluwer Academic Pub., pp. 341-342, 1999 Yokoyama, T.; Shibata, K. MHD Simulation of a Solar Flare Based on a Magnetic Reconnection Model, in "Numerical Astrophysics", S. M. Miyama et al. (eds.), Kluwer Academic Pub., pp. 327-330, 1999 Matsuzaki, T.; Shibata, K.; Tajima, T.; Matsumoto, R. Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of High-Beta Disks and Low-Beta Disks, in "Numerical Astrophysics", S. M. Miyama et al. (eds.), Kluwer Academic Pub., pp. 235-236, 1999 Kuwabara, A.; Matsumoto, R.; Shibata, K.; Chou, W. Dynamics of a Magnetic Flux Tube in Differentially Rotating Disks in "Numerical Astrophysics", S. M. Miyama et al. (eds.), Kluwer Academic Pub., pp. 233-234, 1999 Hayashi, M.; Shibata, K.; Matsumoto, R. Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Recurrent X-Ray Flares in Protostars in "Numerical Astrophysics", S. M. Miyama et al. (eds.), Kluwer Academic Pub., pp. 231-232, 1999 Kuwabara, T.; Matsumoto, R.; Shibata, K. Resistive MHD Simulations of Magnetically Driven Mass Accretion in Active Galactic Nuclei, in "Numerical Astrophysics", S. M. Miyama et al. (eds.), Kluwer Academic Pub., pp. 229-230, 1999 Koide, S.; Shibata, K.; Kudoh, T. General Relativistic Jet Formation from Black-Hole Magnetized Accretion Disks, in "Numerical Astrophysics", S. M. Miyama et al. (eds.), Kluwer Academic Pub., pp. 215-216, 1999 Kato, S.; Kudoh, T.; Shibata, K. MHD Simulation of Active Galactic Nuclei Jets in "Numerical Astrophysics", S. M. Miyama et al. (eds.), Kluwer Academic Pub., pp. 213-214, 1999 Kudoh, T.; Shibata, K.; Matsumoto, R. 2. 5D Nonsteady MHD Simulations of Magnetically Driven Jets from Accretion Disks by Using the CIP-MOCCT Method in "Numerical Astrophysics", S. M. Miyama et al. (eds.), Kluwer Academic Pub., pp. 203-204, 1999 Tanuma, S.; Yokoyama, T.; Kudoh, T.; Shibata, K. Two-Dimensional Numerical MHD Simulation of Magnetic Reconnection in Galaxy in "Numerical Astrophysics", S. M. Miyama et al. (eds.), Kluwer Academic Pub., pp. 119-120, 1999 Kudoh, T., Matsumoto, R., Shibata, K. Magnetically Driven Jets from Accretion Disks: The Effect of Magnetorotational Instability, Adv. Space Res. vol. 23, No. 5/6, pp 1101-1104, 1999 3. 学会・研究会口頭・ポスター発表、 2月18(木)ー20(土) 岡本教授退官記念研究会:三鷹 "Various MHD Outflow Phenomena in the Sun and Their Relation to Astrophysical Jets" (invited talk) 3月8日ー12日 Solar B meeting (ISAS) "Comments on Solar B Science" (invited talk) 3月17日(水)ー19日(金) ASCA symposium (八王子) "Origin of Universal Correlation between Flare Temperature and Emission Measure ", Shibata, K. and Yokoyama, T. (poster paper) 6月7ー8 gamma-ray burst meeting (於:理研) 「MHDジェットとガンマ線バースト」(招待講演) 6月9日(火) 地球惑星合同学会(於:代々木) 「原始星フレア」(招待講演) 6月20日ー25日 International Meeting on "Star Formation" 於 名古屋大学 "Formation and Collimation of Jets by Magnetic Forces" (invited talk) 7月6日ー10日 IAU symposium 195 "Highly Energetic Physical Processes and Mechanism for Emission from Astrophysical Plasmas" at Montana Univ. (USA) "General Relativistic MHD Simulations of Jets from Accretion Disks around a Black Hole" K. Shibata, S. Koide, T. Kudoh, S. Aoki (invited talk) 7月16:研究会「プラズマにおける構造形成と機能」 於 核融合研(土岐) 「太陽フレアにおける磁気リコネクション」 12月6日ー8日 Yohkoh 8th anniversary symposium "Explosive Phenomena in Solar and Space Plasmas" at ISAS "Unified view of flares and CMEs" (invited talk) 4. 一般向け講演 7月31日(土)朝日カルチャーセンター(横浜)ルミネ横浜8F(横浜駅東口)    15:30〜17:30 「スーパーコンピューターが解き明かす太陽」 11月27日(土) 花山天文台70周年記念講演会 「活動する天体」 5. その他の著書、解説記事 活動する天体、共同編集(柴田、福江、松元、嶺重)、裳華房、1999 柴田一成、太陽・星の磁気流体現象、「活動する天体」裳華房、3章、 53−77(1999) 工藤哲洋、柴田一成、宇宙ジェットの磁気流体モデル、 「活動する天体」裳華房、10章、 241−260(1999) 6. その他の活動 日本天文学会庶務理事 国立天文台客員教授 国立天文台太陽・天体プラズマ専門委員会委員 日本原子力研究所トーラス理論専門部会委員 名古屋大学太陽地球環境研究所共同利用委員会委員 Solar B mission (宇宙研) project scientist