Three-dimensional kinetic effects in SSX M. R. Brown, C. D. Cothran, W. H. Matthaeus We report several new results from spheromak merging studies at SSX with relevance to astrophysical reconnection and particle acceleration. First, we report the measurement of non-ideal terms of the generalized Ohm's law at a reconnection site of a weakly collisional laboratory plasma. Time resolved vector magnetic field measurements on a 3D lattice enables evaluation of the various terms. Results show that the Hall term dominates; resistive and electron inertia terms are small. We suggest that electron pressure supports the reconnection electric field at the neutral point. Second, we report experimental measurement of the in-plane Lorentz force and out-of-plane magnetic field associated with the Hall electric field near the reconnection zone. Both show a quadrupolar structure at the ion inertial scale. Earlier work at SSX has shown that formation of three-dimensional structure at the ion inertial scale is temporally and spatially correlated with the observation of superthermal, super-Alfvenic ions ions accelerated along the X-line normal to the local 2D plane of reconnection. Anomalous resistivity, while not ruled out, is not required to account for the results.