Analysis of reconnection inflow in solar flare Noriyuki Narukage and Kazunari Shibata (Kwasan and Hida Observatories, Kyoto University) Solar flare is an explosion on the solar surface and releases huge energy in a short time. It is widely believed that the energy is stored in magnetic field and the flare is caused by magnetic reconnection. Yohkoh, a Japanese solar X-ray satellite launched in 1991, discovered various evidence of the magnetic reconnection. The reconnection model has been established at least phenomenologically by Yohkoh. However, the inflow, which is predicted by the reconnection theory, has not been discovered, and it remains mystery. In 2000, Yokoyama et al. discovered such reconnection inflow in a solar flare observed with SOHO/EIT, but no other observation of reconnection inflow has been reported until now. The generality of inflow remains doubtful. We surveyed the reconnection inflow in the full Sun movies taken with SOHO/EIT and discovered 13 inflows. Moreover, we found an X-ray inflow observed with Yohkoh/SXT. In this event, Nobeyama Radioheliograph detected the radio source near the SXT inflow, i.e., reconnection X-point. Using these data, we estimated some physical quantities of the inflows, e.g., reconnection rate, reconnection region, etc. This result is conclusive evidence of reconnection and the clue to the solution of flare mechanism.