Laboratory experiments on magnetic reconnection in EMHD plasmas Reiner Stenzel, Manuel Urrutia and Kyle Strohmaier Experiments on magnetic field topologies with null points have been performed in a large laboratory plasmas. In particular, the relaxation of a field-reversed configuration (FRC) is studied in a plasma with magnetized electrons and unmagnetized ions (EMHD). Detailed measurements of the three-dimensional field topology in space and time will be presented. The relaxation process involves magnetic energy conversion into electron heat via field line annihilation in a toroidal current sheet. The rate is controlled by anomalous resistivity caused by current-driven ion sound turbulence. Tilting of the toroidal current layer is also observed and studied. It modifies the field topology by destroying the closed separatrix surface, leaving two radial and two spiral null points. Along open field lines propagating whistler vortices convect some of the stored field energy. Finally, the interaction between two FRCs is also studied. Their fields merge and shed vortices. Such interactions may occur in 3D whistler turbulence which is still poorly understood yet important in many neutral sheets.