Hida DST Ha Observations on 30th April through 01 May, 2004 (UT)

  1. Observational summary.

    Start End X Y P r(DST) p(DST) Vertical Spectrograph & Note
    23:35 00:27 521 -803 213" 15'58" 189deg41' The prominence on the west limb.
    Spectra of H-alpha, beta, He D3, Ca2K, and Ca2H lines were obtained by locating the slit at the foot-point of the target prominence. Extra-long exposure time was employed for the spectral observations in order to diagnose the physical state of the very faint structures including the prominence-corona transition region.
    02:16 03:08 521 -803 213" 15'58" 189deg41' The same prominence.
    The same observation as the previous was carried out.
  2. The target regions

    H-alpha full disk images (6562.81A) showing the target regions.
    Both images were obtained with the Flare Monitoring Telescope (FMT).
  3. Click the links below to access the mpeg files.

Ha 0.30 A
(23:26 - 03:01 UT)
Ha 0.0 A
(23:26 - 03:01 UT)
Ha -0.30 A
(23:26 - 03:01 UT)

The previous day