3D Reconnection Simulations of Descending Coronal Voids

M. G. Linton, D. W. Longcope

We will present simulations of a highly localized, finite duration burst of 3D reconnection in a post-CME current sheet. Such reconnection forms a pair of 3D reconnected flux tubes piercing the current sheet. These tubes retract from the reconnection region, pushing their way through the surrounding magnetic field to form a post-reconnection arcade below the reconnection region. We will discuss how the evolution of these reconnected flux tubes can form the descending, post-eruption voids which have been seen in the high corona by the Yohkoh, TRACE and LASCO instruments. We will discuss how observations of these voids by EIS, coupled with further simulations, could help us to better understand the generation and dynamics of these voids, and of coronal reconnection in general.


M.G. Linton (linton@nrl.navy.mil), Naval Research Laboratory

