Small scale magnetic cancellation driven by supergranular scale flows

H.E.Potts, J.L.Khan, D.A.Diver

We have developed a highly efficient method for tracking solar photospheric flows from continuum data. We are currently using SOHO MDI continuum data, tracking the barely resolved granulation pattern. Our method is sufficiently fast that it will be able to calculate flow fields in real time from Solar-B BFI continuum data. Coupled with this we have an algorithm that accurately maps out the boundaries and upwelling points of supergranular convection cells. Using this flow data, and combining it with MDI magnetograms we can identify areas when the supergranular flow drives together the smallest resolvable magnetic elements. If we correlate this data with Yohkoh SXT soft x-ray images we can see the sites of small scale energy release due to flow driven magnetic cancellation. The resolution of SXT data however does not allow the smallest events to be imaged, and there are very few data sets of quiet sun data where SXT and MDI overlap. With the data from high resolution vector magnetograms and continuum images from the Solar-B FPP, combined with soft x-ray images from XRT we should be able much more accurately evaluate the energy release from these small, quiet sun events.


Hugh Potts (, University Of Glasgow

