SUNRISE: high-resolution UV/VIS observations of the Sun from the stratosphere

Solanki, Sami K., Gandorfer, Achim M.; Schuessler, Manfred; Barthol, Peter (Max-Planck-Institut for Solar System Research (Germany)); Lites, Bruce W.(High Altitude Observatory (USA)); Martinez Pillet, Valentin (Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (Spain)); Schmidt, Wolfgang (Kiepenheuer-Institut fuer Sonnenphysik (Germany)); Title, Alan M. (Lockheed-Martin Solar and Astrophysics Lab. (USA)); and the SUNRISE team

SUNRISE is a balloon-borne solar telescope with an aperture of 1m, working in the UV/VIS optical domain. The main scientific goal of SUNRISE is to understand the structure and dynamics of the magnetic field in the atmosphere of the Sun. SUNRISE will provide diffraction-limited images of the photosphere and chromosphere with an unpredecented resolution down to 35km at wavelengths around 220nm. Focal-plane instruments are a spectrograph/polarimeter, a Fabry-Perot filter magnetograph, and a filter imager. Stratospheric long-duration balloon flights of SUNRISE over Antarctica and/or the North Atlantic are planned. SUNRISE is a joint project of the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Sonnensystemforschung (MPS), Katlenburg-Lindau, with the Kiepenheuer-Institut fuer Sonnenphysik (KIS), Freiburg, the High-Altitude Observatory (HAO), Boulder, the Lockheed-Martin Solar and Astrophysics Lab. (LMSAL), Palo Alto, and the spanish IMaX consortium. In this paper we will present an overview on the mission and give a description of the instrumentation, now, at the beginning of the hardware construction phase.


Solanki, Sami K., Max-Planck-Institut fuer Sonnensystemforschung (Germany)

