Combining Hydrodynamics Modeling with Test Particle Tracking to Improve Flare Simulations

Henry (Trae) Winter & P.C.H. Martens

We are combining thermal plasma and non-thermal particle numerical models in order to improve flare simulations. Non-thermal particle collision models provide heating and momentum deposition for the thermal plasma. The thermal plasma models in turn provide an evolving temperature and density structure for the non-thermal particles target plasma. This allows us to simulate thermal and non-thermal flare emission under a variety of increasingly realistic solar conditions. The model flare emission is then folded through the response functions of solar observatories in order to provide simulated data that can be compared to observational results. This provides a means to verify the predictions of multiple flare models with observed flare behavior. This work is supported by NASA grant NAG5-12820


Henry Winter (, Montana State University, Physics Dept.

