


This work was supported by the Grant-in-Aid for Creative Scientific Research "The Basic Study of Space Weather Prediction" (17GS0208, Head Investigator: K. Shibata) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology of Japan.

この研究は文部科学省科学研究費学術創成研究費 「宇宙天気予報の基礎研究」(17GS0208、代表者:柴田一成)の 援助を受けた


  • Kitai,R., "On the Relation between Surge Activities and Photospheric Horizontal Velocity Field", PASJ, (2010), vol.62(Special Issue of Hida Observatory), in press., preprint
  • Anan,T., et al., "Spicule Dynamics over Plage Region", PASJ, (2010), vol.62(Special Issue of Hida Observatory), in press., preprint
  • Shoji,M., Nishikawa,T., Kitai,R., Ueno,S., "Spectroscopic Studies of Limb Spicules. I. Radial and Turbulent Velocities", PASJ, (2010), vol.62(Special Issue of Hida Observatory), in press., preprint
  • Morita,S., Shibata,K., Ueno,S., Ichimoto,K., Kitai,R., and Otsuji,K., "Observations of Chromospheric Anemone Jets with Hinode/SOT and Hida Ca II Spectroheliogram", PASJ, (2010), vol.62(Special Issue of Hida Observatory), in press., preprint
  • Umeda,T., "Electromagnetic plasma emission during beam-plasma interaction: Parametric decay versus induced scattering", Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1029/2009JA014643, 2010 in press., preprint


  • Shinohara,I., Yumura,T., Tanaka,K.G., and Fujimoto,M., "Electron Acceleration via magnetic island coalescence", AIP Conference Proceedings(Future Perspectives of Space Plasma and Particle Instrumentation and International Collaborations), (2009), Vol. 1144, pp.15-20、 reprint
  • Tanaka,K.G., Haijima,K., Fujimoto,M., and Shinohara,I., "A route to explosive large-scale magnetic reconnection in a super-ion-scale current sheet", Ann. Geophys., (2009),27, 395-405、 reprint
  • Ugai,M., "Impulsive magnetic pulsations and electrojets in the loop footpoint driven by the fast reconnection jet", Phys. Plasmas, (2009),Vol.16, pp. 112902-112902-8、 reprint
  • Ugai,M., Kondoh,K., and Shinizu,T., "Modeling of substorms and flares by the fast reconnection mechanism", Earth, Planets and Space, (2009),Vol.61, No.5, 561-564、 reprint
  • Kondoh,K., Ugai,M., and Shinizu,T., "Three dimensional configuration of earthward fast plasma flow in the near-Earth plasma sheet", Earth, Planets and Space, (2009),Vol.61, No.5, 611-614, reprint
  • Shimizu,T., Kondoh,K., Shibata,K., and Ugai,M., "Three dimensional nonlinear instability of the spontaneous fast magnetic reconnection", Earth, Planets and Space, (2009),Vol.61, No.5, 569-572, reprint
  • Tanaka,S., Umeda,T., Matsumoto,Y., Miyoshi,T., and Ogino,T., "Implementation of non-oscillatory and conservative scheme into magnetohydrodynamic equations", Earth, Planets and Space, (2009),Vol.61, No.7, 895-903, reprint
  • Fujiki,K., Ito,H., and Tokumaru,M., "SOLAR WIND FORECAST BY USING INTERPLANETARY SCINTILLATION OBSERVATIONS", Proceedings of the twelfth International Solar Wind Conference (Solar Wind 12), 2010 in press.
  • Imada,S., Hara,H., and Watanabe,T., "Ion Temperature and Non-Thermal Velocity in a Solar Active Region: Using Emission Lines of Different Atomic Species", ApJL., doi:10.1088/0004-637X/705/2/L208, (2009), 705, L208-L212
  • Kataoka,R., Ebisuzaki,T., Kusano,K., Shiota,D., Inoue,S., Yamamoto,T.T., and Tokumaru,M., "Three-dimensional MHD modeling of the solar wind structures associated with 13 December 2006 coronal mass ejection", J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2009JA014167, (2009), 114, A10102, p1-p10, reprint(813KB)
  • Kataoka,R., Miyoshi,Y., and Morioka,A., "Hilbert-Huang Transform of geomagnetic pulsations at auroral expansion onset", J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2009JA014214, (2009), 114, A09202, p1-p10, reprint(1.49MB)
  • Kondoh,K., and Ugai,M., "Three-dimensional earthward fast flow in the near-Earth plasma sheet in a sheared field: comparisons between simulations and observations", Ann. Geophys., (2009), 27, 2297-2302, reprint(1.1MB)
  • Ugai,M., "Fast reconnection evolution in an arcadelike magnetic loop structure", PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, (2009), 16, 062312_1-9, doi:10.1063/1.3158949, reprint(3.4MB)
  • Omura,Y., Hikishima, M., Katoh,Y., Summers,D., and Yagitani,S., "Nonlinear mechanisms of lower-band and upper-band VLF chorus emissions in the magnetosphere", J. Geophys. Res., (2009), 114, A07217, p1-p15, doi:10.1029/2009JA014206, reprint(540KB)
  • Watanabe,H., Kitai,R., and Ichimoto,K., "Characteristic Dependence of Umbral Dots on their Magnetic Structure", ApJ, (2009), 702, pp.1048-1057, preprint(630KB)
  • Asai,A., Shibata,K., Ishii, T.T., Oka,M., Kataoka,R., Fujiki,K., and Gopalswamy,N., "Evolution of Anemone AR NOAA 10798 and the Related Geo-Effective Flares and CMEs", JGR, 114, A00A21-1 - A00A21-10, doi:10.1029/2008JA013291(2009), reprint (610KB)
  • Umeda,T., Yamao,M., and Yamazaki,R., "Electron acceleration at a low-Mach-number perpendicular collisionless shock", ApJ., 695, 574-579 (2009), reprint(582KB)
  • Umeda,T., Togano,K., and Ogino,T., "Two-dimensional full-electromagnetic Vlasov code with conservative scheme and its application to magnetic reconnection", Computer Physics Communications., 180, 365-374 (2009), reprint(890KB)
  • Tokumaru,M., Kojima,M., and Fujiki,K., "Non-dipolar solar wind structure observed in the cycle 23/24 minimum", Geophys. Res. Lett., (2009), 36, L09101-1_L09101-6, doi:10.1029/2009GL037461, preprint(673KB)
  • Nagashima,K., Sekii,T., Kosovichev,A.G., Zhao,J., and Tarbell,T.D., "Helioseismic Signature of Chromospheric Downflows in Acoustic Travel-time Measurements from HINODE", ApJL, 694, L115-L119, doi:10.1088/0004-637X/694 /2/L115(2009)
  • Hikishima,M., Yagitani,S., Omura,Y., and Nagano,I., "Full particle simulation of whistler-mode rising chorus emissions in the magnetosphere", J. Geophys. Res., 114, A01203-1_A01203-11, doi:10.1029/2008JA013625,(2009), reprint(3MB)
  • Nishizuka,N., Asai,A., Takasaki,H., Kurokawa,H., and Shibata,K., "The Power-Law Distribution of Flare Kernels and Fractal Current Sheets In a Solar Flare", ApJL, 694, L74-L78(2009), reprint
  • Nishida,K., Shimizu,M., Shiota,D., Takasaki,H., Magara,T., and Shibata,K., "Numerical Examination of Plasmoid-Induced Reconnection Model for Solar Flares: the Relation Between Plasmoid Velocity and Reconnection Rate", ApJ, 690, 748-757(2009)
  • Shimizu,T., Kondoh,K., Shibata,K., and Ugai,M., "MHD study for three-dimensional instability of the spontaneous fast magnetic reconnection", PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, (2009), 16, pp.052903-052903-12, preprint(1.5MB)
  • Ugai,M., "Evolution of the current wedge and the generator current circuit by fast reconnection", PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, 16, 012901_1-7, (2009), reprint(2.1MB)
  • Watanabe,H., Kitai,R., Ichimoto,K., and Katsukawa,Y., "Magnetic Structure of Umbral Dots Observed with Hinode Solar Optical Telescope", PASJ, (2009), 61, pp.193-200, preprint (300KB)


  • Antolin,P., Shibata,K., Kudoh,T., Shiota,D., and Brooks,D., "Predicting Observational Signatures of Coronal Heating by Alfvén Waves and Nanoflares", ApJ, 688, 669-682, doi:10.1086/591998(2008)
  • Umeda,T., and Ito,T., "Vlasov simulation of Langmuir decay instability", Physics of Plasmas, 15, 084503-1 - 084503-4(2008), reprint(332KB)
  • Umeda,T., "A conservative and non-oscillatory scheme for Vlasov code simulations", Earth, Planets and Space, 60, 773-779(2008), reprint(2.5MB)
  • Umeda,T., Yamao,M., and Yamazaki,R., "Two-dimensional full particle simulation of a perpendicular collisionless shock with a shock-rest-frame model", ApJL, 681, L85-L88(2008), reprint(240KB)
  • Umeda,T., "Generation of low-frequency electrostatic and electromagnetic waves as nonlinear consequences of beam-plasma interactions", Physics of Plasmas, 15, 064502-1 - 064502-4(2008), reprint(327KB)
  • Nishizuka,N., Shimizu,M., Nakamura,T., Otsuji,K., Okamoto,T.J., Katsukawa,Y., and Shibata,K., "Chromospheric Anemone Jet Observed with Hinode and Comparison with Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations: Evidence of Propagating Alfve'n Waves and Magnetic Reconnection", ApJL, 683, L83-L86(2008),
  • Tokumaru.M., Kojima,M., Fujiki,K., Munakata,K., Kuwabara,T., and Marubashi,K., "RELATION BETWEEN LOOP-SHAPED INTERPLANETARY DISTURBANCES AND THE MAGNETIC FLUX ROPE", Proceedings of the 5th Asia Oceania Geosciences Society Conference , AOGS 2008, Busan, Korea, June 16-20, in press preprint(312KB)
  • Shimizu,M., Nishida,K., Takasaki,H., Shiota,D., Magara,T., and Shibata,K., "The Correlation among the Rise Velocity of a Soft X-Ray Loop, the Ejection Velocity of a Plasmoid, and the Height above the Loop Top of the Hard X-Ray Source in Masuda-Type Flares, and Its Interpretation Based on the Reconnection Model of Flares", ApJL, 683, L203-L206, (2008)
  • Ugai,M., "Condition for substorm onset by the fast reconnection mechanism", Ann. Goephys., 26, 3875-3883, (2008), reprint(2.1MB)
  • Imada,S., Hoshino,M., and Mukai,T., "The dawn-dusk asymmetry of energetic electron in the Earth's magnetotail: Observation and transport models", Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 113, Issue A11, CiteID A11201, (2008), reprint (980KB)
  • Imada,S., Hara,H., Watanabe,T., Asai,A., Minoshima,T., Harra,L.K., and Mariska,J.T., "Non-Gaussian Line Profiles in a Large Solar Flare Observed on 2006 December 13", ApJ, 679, L155-L159, (2008)
  • Ugai,M., "The evolution of fast reconnection in a three-dimensional current sheet system", Phys. Plasmas, Vol.15, pp.082306-082306-10, (2008), reprint (1.68MB)
  • Nishikawa,N., and Kusano, K., "Simulation Study of the Symmetry-Breaking Instability and the Dipole Field Reversal in a Rotating Spherical Shell Dynamo", Phys. Plasmas, Vol.15, pp.082903-082903-15, DOI:10.1063/1.2959120 (2008)
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  • Ieda,A., Fairfield,D.H., Slavin,J.A., Liou,K., Menf,C.-I., Machida,S., Miyashita,Y., Mukai,T., Saito,Y., Nose,M., Shue,J.-H., Parks,G.K., and Fillingim,M.O., "Longitudinal association between magnetotail reconnection and auroral breakup based on Geotail and Polar observations", J. Geophys. Res., 113, A08207, doi:10.1029/2008JA013127, (2008), reprint (2.08MB)
  • Kataoka,R., and Miyoshi,Y., "Average profiles of the solar wind and outer radiation belt during the extreme flux enhancement of relativistic electrons at geosynchronous orbit", Ann. Geophys., 26, 1335-1339, (2008), reprint (500KB)
  • Asai,A., Hara,H., Watanabe,T., Imada,S., Sakao,T., Narukage,N., Culhane,J.L., and Doschek,G.A., "Strongly Blueshifted Phenomena Observed with Hinode/EIS in the 2006 December 13 Solar Flare", ApJ, 685, 622-628, (2008),
  • Watanabe,H., Kitai,R., Okamoto,K., Nishida,K., Kiyohara,J., UeNo,S., Hagino,M., Ishii,T.T., and Shibata,K., "Spectropolarimetric Observation of an Emerging Flux Region:Triggering Mechanism of Ellerman Bombs", ApJ, 684, 736-746, (2008)
  • Morinaga,S., Sakurai,T., Ichimoto,K., Yokoyama,T, Shimojo, M., and Katsukawa,Y., "Suppression of convection around small magnetic concentrations", A&A, 481, L29-L32, (2008), DOI:10.1051/0004-6361:20079029
  • Mitra-Kraev,U., Kosovichev,A.G., and Sekii,T., "Properties of high-degree oscillation modes of the Sun observed with Hinode/SOT", A&A, 481, L1-L4, 2008, DOI:10.1051/0004-6361:20079042
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  • Omura,Y., Katoh,Y., and Summers,D., "Theory and simulation of the generation of whistler-mode chorus", J. Geophys. Res., 113, A04223, doi:10.1029/2007JA012622., (2008), reprint
  • Furuya,N., Omura,Y., and Summers,D., "Relativistic turning acceleration of radiation belt electrons by whistler mode chorus", J. Geophys. Res., 113, A04224, doi:10.1029/2007JA012478., (2008), reprint
  • Shiota,D., Kusano,K., Miyoshi,T, Nishikawa,N. and Shibata,K., "A quantitative MHD study of the relation among arcade shearing, flux rope formation, and eruption due to the tearing instability", J. Geophys. Res., 113, A03S05, doi:10.1029/2007JA012516., (2008)
  • Ugai,M., "Impulsive chromospheric heating of two-ribbon flares by the fast reconnection mechanism", Physics of Plasma, 15, 032902-032902-9, doi:10.1063/1.2884715, (2008), preprint (1.48MB), cover
  • Ieda,A., Fairfield,D.H., Slavin,J.A., Liou,K., Menf,C.-I., Machida,S., Miyashita,Y., Mukai,T., Saito,Y., Nose,M., Shue,J.-H., Parks,G.K., and Fillingim,M.O., "Longitudinal association between magnetotail reconnection and auroral breakup based on Geotail and Polar observations", J. Geophys. Res., 113, A08207, doi:10.1029/2008JA013127, (2008), preprint (1.36MB)
  • Miyoshi,Y., and Kataoka,R.,"Flux enhancement of the outer radiation belt electrons after the arrival of stream interaction regions", J. Geophys. Res., VOL. 113, A03S09, doi:10.1029/2007JA012506, (2008)
  • Kataoka,R., and Pulkkinen,A.,"Geomagnetically induced currents during intense storms driven by coronal mass ejections and corotating interacting regions", J. Geophys. Res., VOL. 113, A03S12, doi:10.1029/2007JA012487, (2008) preprint (990KB)
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  • Okamoto,T.J., Tsuneta,S., Lites,B.W., Kubo,M., Yokoyama,T., Berger,T.E., Ichimoto,K., Katsukawa,Y., Nagata,S., Shibata,K., Shimizu,T., Shine,R.A., Suematsu,Y., Tarbell,T.D., and Title,A.M., "Emergence of a Helical Flux Rope Under an Active Region Prominence", ApJ Let., 673, L215-L218, (2007)
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  • Summers,D., and Omura,Y., "Ultra-relativistic acceleration of electrons in planetary magnetospheres",Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L24205, doi:10.1029/2007GL032226 (2008), preprint(245KB)
  • Isobe,H., Tripathi,D., Asai,A., and Jain,R., "Large amplitude oscillation of an erupting filament as seen in EUV, Hα and microwave observations", Solar Physics, 246, pp.89-99, (2007) , preprint(400KB)
  • Kondoh, K. , and Ugai, M., "Numerical studies on three dimensional earthward fast plasma flows in the near-Earth plasma sheet by the spontaneous fast reconnection model", J. Geophys. Res., 113, A03S07, doi:10.1029/2007JA2707 (2008), preprint (500KB)
  • Ohyama,M., and Shibata,K., "Hot and Cool Plasmoid Ejections Associated with Solar Flare", PASJ, 60, 85-93 (2008),preprint(520KB)


  • Umeda,T., "Vlasov simulation of Langmuir wave packets", Nonlin. Processes in Geophys., 14, 671-679, (2007), reprint(2MB)
  • Imada,S., Nakamura,R., Daly, P.W., Hoshino,M., Baumjohann,W., M\"{u}hlbachler,S., Balogh,A., and R\'{e}me,H., "Energetic electron acceleration in the downstream reconnection outflow region", J. Geophys. Res., Vol.112, A03202, (2007), doi:10.1029/2006JA011847
  • Kosovichev,A.G., and Sekii,T., "Initial observations of sunspot oscilations excited by solar flare", ApJ, 670, L147-L149, (2007), doi:10.1086/524298
  • Suarez,D.O., Bellot Rubio,L.R., Iniesta,J.C.D.T., Tsuneta,S., Lites,B., Ichimoto,K., Katsukawa,Y., Nagata,S.I., Shimizu,T., Shine,R.A., Suematsu,Y., Tarbell,T.D., and Title,A.M., "Strategy for the Inversion of Hinode Spectropolarimetric Measurements in the Quiet Sun", PASJ, 59, S837-S844, (2007)
  • Moon, Y.-J., Kim, Y.-H., Park, Y.-D., Ichimoto, K., Sakurai, T., Chae, J., Cho, K. S., Bong, S., Suematsu, Y., Tsuneta, S., Katsukawa, Y., Shimojo, M., Shimizu, T., Shine, R. A., Tarbell, T. D., Title, A. M., Lites, B., Kubo, M., Nagata, S., and Yokoyama, T., "Hinode SP Vector Magnetogram of AR10930 and Its Cross-Comparison with MDI", PASJ, 59, S625-S630, (2007)
  • Jurca'k, J., Bellot Rubio, L., Ichimoto, K., Katsukawa, Y., Lites, B., Nagata, S., Shimizu, T., Suematsu, Y., Tarbell, T. D., Title, A. M., and Tsuneta, S., "The Analysis of Penumbral Fine Structure Using an Advanced Inversion Technique", PASJ, 59, S601-S606, (2007)
  • Ueno,S., Shibata,K., Kimura,G., Nakatani,Y., Kitai,R., and Nagata,S., "CHAIN-project and installation of the flare monitoring telescopes in developing countries", Bull. Astr. Soc. India, 35, 697-704, (2007), reprint
  • Haijima,K., Tanaka,K.G., Fujimoto,M., and Shinohara,I., "Electron temperature anisotropy effects on tearing mode in ion-scale current sheets", Advances in Space Research (a COSPER publication), (2007), preprint
  • Shibata,K., Nakamura,T., Matsumoto,T., Otsuji,K., Okamoto,T.J., Nishizuka,N., Kawate,T., Watanabe,H., Nagata,S., UeNo,S., Kitai,R., Nozawa,S., Tsuneta,S., Suematsu,Y., Ichimoto,K., Shimizu,T., Katsukawa,Y., Tarbell,T.D., Berger,T.E., Lites,B.W., Shine,R.A., and Title,A.M., "Chromospheric Anemone Jets as Evidence of Ubiquitous Magnetic Reconnection", Science, 318, 1591-1594, (2007), reprint
  • Okamoto,T.J., Tsuneta,S., Berger,T.E., Ichimoto,K., Katsukawa,Y., Lites,B.W., Nagata,S., Shibata,K., Shimizu,T., Shine,R.A., Suematsu,Y., Tarbell,T.D., and Title,A.M., "Coronal Transverse Magnetohydrodynamic Waves in a Solar Prominence", Science, 318, 1577-1580, (2007)
  • Shibata,K., and Kamide,Y., "Basic Study of Space Weather Predictions: A New Project in Japan", Space Weather, vol.4, issue 4, 14-18, (2007),
  • Katsukawa,Y., Berger,T.E., Ichimoto,K., Lites,B.W., Nagata,S., Shimizu,T., Shine,R.A., Suematsu,Y., Tarbell,T.D., Title,A.M., and Tsuneta,S., "Small-Scale Jetlike Features in Penumbral Chromospheres", Science, 318, 1594-1597, (2007),
  • Katsukawa,Y., Yokoyama,T., Berger,T.E., Ichimoto,K., Kubo,M., Lites,B.W., Nagata,S., Shimizu,T., Shine,R.A., Suematsu,Y., Tarbell,T.D., Title,A.M., and Tsuneta,S., "Formation Process of a Light Bridge Revealed with the Hinode Solar Optical Telescope", PASJ, 59, S577, (2007), preprint
  • Shimojo.M., Narukage,N., Kano,R., Sakao,T., Tsuneta,S., Shibasaki,K., Cirtain,J.W., Lundquist,L.L., Reeves,K., and Savcheva,A., "Fine Structures of Solar X-Ray Jets Observed with the X-Ray Telescope aboard Hinode", PASJ, 59, S745, (2007)
  • Ichimoto,K., Shine,R.A., Lites,B., Kubo,M., Shimizu,T., Suematsu,Y., Tsuneta,S., Katsukawa,Y., Tarbell,T.D., Title,A.M., Nagata,S., Yokoyama,T., and Shimojo,M., "Fine-Scale Structures of the Evershed Effect Observed by the Solar Optical Telescope aboard Hinode", PASJ, 59, S593-S596, (2007)
  • Kubo,M., Ichimoto,K., Shimizu,T., Tsuneta,S., Suematsu,Y., Katsukawa,Y., Nagata,S., Tarbell,T.D., Shine,R.A., Title,A.M., Frank,Z.A., Lites,B., and Elmore,D., "Formation of Moving Magnetic Features and Penumbral Magnetic Fields with Hinode/SOT", PASJ, 59, S607, (2007)
  • Kubo,M., Yokoyama,T., Katsukawa,Y., Lites,B., Tsuneta,S., Suematsu,Y., Ichimoto,K., Shimizu,T., Nagata,S., Tarbell,T.D., Shine,R.A., Title,A.M., and Elmore,D., "Hinode Observations of a Vector Magnetic Field Change Associated with a Flare on 2006 December 13", PASJ, 59, S779, (2007)
  • Li,H., Sakurai,T., Ichimito,K., Suematsu,Y., Tsuneta,S., Katsukawa,Y., Shimizu,T., Shine,R.A., Tarbell,T.D., Title,A.M., Lites,B., Kubo,M., Nagata,S., Kotoku,J., Shibasaki,K., Saar,S.H., and Bobra,M., "Response of the Solar Atmosphere to Magnetic Flux Emergence from Hinode Observations", PASJ, 59, S643, (2007)
  • Nagashima,K., Sekii,T., Kosovichev,A.G., Shibahashi,H., Tsuneta,S., Ichimoto,K., Katsukawa,Y., Lites,B., Nagata,S., Shimizu,T., Shine,R.A., Suematsu,Y., Tarbell,T.D., and Title,A.M., "Observations of Sunspot Oscillations in G Band and CaII H Line with Solar Optical Telescope on Hinode", PASJ, 59, S631-S636, (2007)
  • Morinaga,S., Nagata,S., Ichimoto,K., Suematsu,Y., Tsuneta,S., Katsukawa,Y., Shimizu,T., Shine,R.A., Tarbell,T.D., Title,A.M., Lites,B., Kubo,M., and Sakurai,T., "Center-to-Limb Variation of Stokes V Asymmetries in Solar Pores Observed with the Hinode Spectro-Polarimeter ", PASJ, 59, S613, (2007)
  • Sekii,T., Kosovichev,A.G., Zhao,J., Tsuneta,S., Shibahashi,H., Berger,T.E., Ichimoto,K., Katsukawa,Y., Lites,B., Nagata,S., Shimizu,T., Shine,R.A., Suematsu,Y., Tarbell,T.D., and Title,A.M., "Initial Helioseismic Observations by Hinode/SOT", PASJ, 59, S637-S640, (2007)
  • Watanabe,T., Hara,H., Culhane,L., Harra,L.K., Doschek,G.A., Mariska,J.T., and Young,P.R., "Temperature and Density Structures of Solar Corona -- A Test of Iron Line Diagnostic Capability of EIS Instrument on Board Hinode", PASJ, 59, S669, (2007)
  • Kotoku,J., Kano,R., Tsuneta,S., Katsukawa,Y., Shimizu,T., Sakao,T., Shibasaki,K., DeLuca,E.E., Korreck,K.E., Golub,L., and Bobra,M., "Magnetic Feature and Morphological Study of X-Ray Bright Points with Hinode", PASJ, 59, S735, (2007)
  • Imada,S., Hara,H., Watanabe,T., Kamio,S., Asai,A., Matsuzaki,K., Harra,L.K., and Mariska,J.T., "Discovery of a Temperature-Dependent Upflow in the Plage Region During a Gradual Phase of the X-Class Flare", PASJ, 59, S793-S799, (2007)
  • Otsuka, F., Omura,Y., and Verkhoglyadova,O., "Energetic particle parallel diffusion in a cascading wave turbulence in the foreshock region", Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 14, 587-601, (2007), reprint (1.57MB)
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