
Messages to CMO No. 200 from Yasunobu HIGA in Okinawa

Y HIGA expresses in this column his congratulatory words to CMO #200 as well as his appreciation for our labour, and expects further success of our periodicals. He is proud of possessing whole of 200 CMOs piled up since 1986.

He is a unique observer among our circle. He has been using several kinds of Video Cameras to take the pictures of the planets. On the occasion of the great opposition in 1988, the Ci-20R became available and he used it by a combination with a 25cm spec to take Mars; the Red light images on the monitor being quite detailed. Since then he contributed continually to us each apparition. Ci-20R is a small camera attached to the eyepiece, but he learned around 1994 that a collimated Video Camera also yielded the nicer images of the planets.
CMO colleagues at a ticket gate of FUKUI station
left to right: Dr.MINAMI(Mn), Mr.HIGA(Hg), MURAKAMI(Mk)

HIGA's Saturn image used Sony VX1000
Recently when a 3 CCD Digital Camera VX1000 was sold out by Sony he readily obtained it and from April 1996 he began to use it to take the surfaces of the planet. At the same time, by a combination of a Macintosh and an available software, he started acquiring a lot of good still images from the moving images, and summing them all up to a final image processed by use of Photoshop. Thus he now submits us a great sets of R, G and B images in addition to the coloured images. He takes great care to obtain a smooth and clear images.

He has not thus followed the current of the times to use the Cooled CCD Cameras, but he believes we need diverse methods to approach to the planetary observations.

He writes he was very inspired by the work by Gianni QUARRA with whom he met this January on the occasion of the meeting at Fukui. He wishes he obtain the images of quality similar to Gianni's in pursuit of HIGA's original way in the next season.
