1123 DPk Note
23 November 2001 (278°Ls)


D.C. Parker, Coral Gables, FL. Lynxx PC camera 16-in (41cm) F/6 NEWTONIAN
Eyepiece Projection @ f/44.2

         Integration Times:
 BLUE    (Koheisha, 445nm peak central; BWHM 105nm)    3.00s
 GREEN (Koheisha, 540nm peak central; BWHM 75nm)      1.04-1.20s
 RED      (RG610 - No IR Rejection)                                    0.24-0.28s

                     Images flat and dark corrected.
Seeing fair (4-6, Pickering). Transparency fair (3.5-4.0m) with high haze and frequent clouds. Wind ESE 2-8 kts. Altitude = 45-44 degrees. No dew.
Solis Lacus dark, small. Aurorae S., Nectaris P., Oxia P., and Margaritifer S. prominent, dark. The Tithonius complex weak but easily visible. Ganges, Acidalium, and Lunae Lacus appear normal. Argyre and Ogygis bright in all filters, with Nereidum Fr. seen separating them.
SPC tiny, bright. Bright evening limb haze persists.