Brian COLVILLE #228

Letters to the Editor

from Brian COLVILLE in CMO #228

@ . . . . It has been close to 2 months since my last submission. I finally had some free time and clear weather at the same instance last Friday night. The biggest challenge since the new year has been very strong winds and/or very bad seeing on the clear nights, and a frequent number of nights babysitting when observing conditions looked to be good.
  February 12 was clear, but there was a fair wind. Seeing was only moderate, maybe 5/10. The best images were obtained with 3x3 binning to keep exposures short through the coloured filters. I managed to get a few images with 2x2 binning in the IR. I have attached the best set of IR, RGB, and LRGB images.
  The most prominent feature that I see is the prominent Equatorial Belt, rather irregular, and a bridge of material streaming from the NEB into the EB just preceeding the CM. It (EB) appears to me to be becoming much more prominent. Does anyone have any other comments on this?
(19 Feb 2000 email)

Brian COLVILLE (Cambray, Ontario, Canada) :
Maple Ridge Observatory