Jim BELL #210

Letters to the Editor

from Jim BELL in CMO #210

@ . . . . I would like to wish you and the dedicated members of the OAA a safe and successful year, and best wishes for the (fast approaching!) apparition.
  Mars Climate Orbiter was launched successfully Friday, Mars Polar Lander will be launched in a few weeks, and of course Planet-B is heading towards Mars as well. Mars Global Surveyor is returning spectacular preliminary data daily and will begin real mapping this spring. These are great times for study of the Red Planet!
  I hope to have some news soon about a new Web site for uploading and downloading of Marswatch images from the 1999 apparition.  . . .

Best wishes,

(16 Dec 1998 email)

Jim BELL (Cornell Univ. NY, USA) : jimbo@marswatch.tn.cornell.edu