. . . . . . . .Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 02:12:40 +0000
Subject: Mars Images
Hi All,
Here are
some Mars images from 24 August.
D.C. Parker,
ST9XE CCD Camera Eyepiece Projection @ f/58.6
Integration Times:
RED (RG610 Red Filter, 610-1100nm: NO IR
Rejection) 13s 1-3
GREEN (CFW8C, 531nm central; BWHM 86nm) 0.32s 8-9 images
BLUE (CFW8C, 450nm central, BWHM 116nm) 1.00s 8-9 images
Images bias, flat and dark
Seeing poor to fair
Violet Clearing - 2+. No dust clouds noted. Martian
atmosphere clear. Some clouds near S. edge of NP Hood and on AM limb
near volcanoes. Thyles Mons separating from western side of the
® . . . . . . . .Date:
Tue, 26 Aug 2003 01:57:57 +0000
Subject: Mars Images
Hi All,
Here are
some Mars images from 25 August. Violet clearing stronger;
arctic clouds increasing.
D.C. Parker,
ST9XE CCD Camera Eyepiece Projection @ f/58.6
Integration Times:
RED (RG610 Red Filter, 610-1100nm: NO IR
Rejection) 0.11-0.16s 1 image
GREEN (CFW8C, 531nm central; BWHM 86nm) 0.32s 7-10 images
BLUE (CFW8C, 450nm central, BWHM 116nm) 1.00s 10-12 images
Images bias,flat and dark corrected.
Seeing poor to fair
Increased cloud
activity along S. edge of NP Hood. A few AM limb clouds and
faint clouds in Tharsis. Violet Clearing strong (2+) on CCD, 1+ visually.
® . . . . . . . .Date:
Wed, 27 Aug 2003 06:28:03 +0000
Subject: Mars Images
Hi All,
I have
attached a Mars images taken by Andy
Chaikin with my 10-inch Mewlon here in
® . . . . . . . .Date:
Fri, 29 Aug 2003 02:21:41 +0000
Subject: Mars Images
Hi All,
Here are
some Mars images from 28 August ( ω=023°W ω=070°W).
® . . . . . . . .Date:
Fri, 29 Aug 2003 04:14:19 +0000
Subject: Mars Images
Hi All,
I have
attached a Mars image from 27 August.
PARKER's Image on 27 August 2003 at 04:24 GMT
(ω=042°W, φ=19°S),
δ=25.1", ι=5°
fair (6
High winds NE-E 10-22 kts. Altitude =45°. No dew.
Novus Mons east of SPC. NP Hood conspicuous. Delicate Am limb clouds over Tharsis, extending into Thaumasia.
AM cloud over Dia.
PARKER uses a 41 cm
Newtonian working at f/59 with
an eyepiece projection together with ToUCam Pro WebCam.
Times: 1/25 sec, 10 fps x 2 mins.
Processed in K3CCD Tools, 53 images stacked
Images dark corrected.
® . . . . . . . .Date:
Wed, 03 Sept 2003 01:27:25 +0000
Subject: Mars Images
Hi All,
Here are
some belated Mars images from 30 August. Some increased cloud activity,
especially near the North Polar Hood.
D.C. Parker,
Camera Eyepiece
Projection @ f/58.6
Integration Times:
RED (RG610 Red
Filter, 610-1100nm: NO IR Rejection)
0.13s 1-4
GREEN (CFW8C, 531nm
central; BWHM 86nm) 0.32s 6-11 images
BLUE (CFW8C, 450nm
central, BWHM 116nm) 0.95-1.20s 5-9 images
Images bias,flat and dark corrected.
Seeing fair (5-7
Strong Violet Clearing. Cloud streaks coming off NP Hood across
Acidalium. Am limb
clouds and faint localized clouds over Thaumasia. SPC irregular edge; Novus Mons separating.
® . . . . . . . .Date:
Fri, 05 Sept 2003 23:47:08 +0000
Subject: Mars Images
Here are some Mars images from 3
Sept. under poor conditions. Novus Mons
appears to
have separated into the "Mountains of Mitchel."
D.C. Parker,
Camera Eyepiece
Projection @ f/58.6
Integration Times:
RED (RG610 Red
Filter, 610-1100nm: NO IR Rejection)
0.13s-0.33 1-3
GREEN (CFW8C, 531nm
central; BWHM 86nm) 0.34s 8-12 images
BLUE (CFW8C, 450nm
central, BWHM 116nm) 1.10-4.00s 6-9 images
bias, flat and dark corrected.
Seeing fair (5-7
Novus Mons
splitting to form the "Mountains of Mitchel." Violet clearing strong (3+) both visulally and on CCD. NP Hood weaker than on 30
August, but cloud band still coming off it toward Acidalium.
PM limb arc; Localized AM limb clouds rotating with planet.
® . . . . . . . .Date:
Tue, 09 Sept 2003 22:19:01 +0000
Subject: Mars Images
Hi All,
Here are
some Mars images from 7 Sept. Despite poor seeing, the "Mountains
of Mitchel" have separated from the SPC and have split.
No dust.
D.C. Parker,
ST9XE CCD Camera Eyepiece Projection @ f/55.4
Integration Times:
RED (RG610 Red Filter, 610-1100nm: NO IR
Rejection) 0.13s-0.25s 1 image
GREEN (CFW8C, 531nm central; BWHM 86nm) 0.42-0.57s 6-8 images
BLUE (CFW8C, 450nm central, BWHM 116nm) 1.60-2.00s 5-8 images
Images bias, flat and dark
Seeing poor (4
No dust clouds. Novus Mons separated from SPC and
divided into "Mountains of Mitchel." Antarctic cloud/haze west of SPC. Evening
limb arc. NP Hood thin, weak. Faint AM limb clouds. Dark streaks on the
floor of