LtE in CMO #245

From  Gérard TEICHERT  

@. . . . . . . MARS; 20, 21, 22 and 24 may 2001


Date (in UT):  20 may 2001              Time (UT) 02:03 h=20

CM : 64°    d = -25°10'50"      H = 17°

Telescope: Schmidt-Cassegrain  280 mm  (  f / 25)

Seeing: (0-10 scale)    4       Trans.: (0 - 6m) 2       Wind: 59km/h

Magnification:    311x  and 330x

Filters: Schott:  Wratten: W 64 blue/green, W 85 salmon, W 80a blue

Zeiss:      VG 6 green


Observer station:                     Observer:

Hattstatt / France                    TEICHERT Gerard

7°18' (E)  /  48°01'  (N)   



Date (in UT):  21 may 2001              Time (UT) 03:24 h=20

CM : 75°    d = -25°14'36"      H = 12°

Telescope: Schmidt-Cassegrain  280 mm  (  f / 25)

Seeing: (0-10 scale) 2-3  Trans.: (0 - 6m) twilight  Wind: windy, 60 km/h=20


Magnification:    311x  and 330x

Filters: Schott:  Wratten: W 64 blue/green, W 85 salmon, W 80a blue

Zeiss: VG 6  green


Observer station:                    Observer:

Hattstatt / France                   TEICHERT Gerard

7°18' (E)  /  48°01'  (N)  



Date (in UT): 22 may  2001              Time (UT)  02:19 h

CM: 50°    d = -25°18'03      H = 16°

Telescope: Schmidt-Cassegrain  280 mm  (  f / 25)

Seeing: (0-10 scale)    3-4     Trans.: (0 - 6m)  3     Wind: windy

Magnification:    311x  and 330x

Filters: Schott:  Wratten: W 64 blue/green, W 85 salmon, W 80a blue

Zeiss: VG 6  green

Observer station:                    Observer:

Hattstatt / France                   TEICHERT Gerard

7°18'  (E)  /  48°01'       



Date  (in UT): 24 may 2001       Time (UT)  01:53 h

CM: 26°    d = -25°25'13"      H = 16°

Telescope: Schmidt-Cassegrain  280 mm  (  f / 25)

Seeing: (0-10 scale)    2  Trans.: (0 - 6m)  3  Wind: hazy

Magnification:    311x  and 330x

Filters: Schott:  Wratten: W 64 blue/green, W 85 salmon, W 80a blue

Zeiss:      VG 6  green


Observer station:                       Observer:

Hattstatt / France                      TEICHERT Gerard

7°18' (E)  /  48°01'  (N)     

(25 May 2001 email)

 Gérard TEICHERT (France)

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