LtE in CMO #283

From Johan WARELL

® . . . . . . .Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2003 05:58:59 +0100

Subject: Mars Oct 12, Oct 31, Nov 2, Nov 3, Nov 6, Nov 10, Nov 16


Dear all,


In the next mail follows six new observations of Mars from the past two weeks. I also resend the Oct 12 observation since the time and number of added images were interchanged for the second image set on this date.


Mars is getting smaller and the seeing usually remains at best moderate, severely limiting the definition of details on the disk. I have not seen any noteworthy changes on the Martian disk, everything remains normal.


The past week was cloudy and rainy here, just like in Sweden! Getting better now but cool, 15-20 C in the daytime.


Best wishes,


Johan WARELL (Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, Tucson, Arizona, USA)

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