LtE in CMO #283

From  Silvia J KOWOLLIK

® . . . . . . .Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2003 14:09:33 +0100

Subject: Re: From Masatsugu


Dear Masatsugu,


I am fine, but in the moment I cannot take more pictures of Mars, because Mars rises to early and the Instrument is in use for our public guide observing at that time... Maybe next month (if the wether is good) I can take some more pictures before our public guided observing is starting...


I knew Josef, we met on a workshop last spring, when I was teaching how to use a webcam to take pictures of planets in Stuttgart. He aked me last week for an address to send his pictures to cmo, so this is the way how the contact started :-))...


yes, I will tell him your compliments. Our next projects are observing Saturn and Jupiter and the Venus transit next year.


Last week we had wonderful Auroralights all over Germany, that was very exciting. Now it is cloudy, but if the sun is active like that, we have a good chance, to see more. Normally we have such bright auroras only during sunmaximum every 11 years.


best wishes


Silvia KOWOLLIK (Stuttgart, Germany)


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