LtE in CMO #283

From  William Patrick SHEEHAN

® . . . . . . Received: Friday, November 21, 2003 1:06 AM

Subject: coming to Japan


November 20, 2003


Dear Masatsugu,


   It is a great pleasure to hear from you as always.  I understand how the great strain of observing Mars as intently as you have done would have affected your health in the way it has -- the planet has remained so close to the Earth for so long, and (though muted) the surface features have remained visible.  It has been an excess of opportunity for those of us whose passion is for the Red Planet.


   I am glad to accept formally the invitation to join you in Japan for the Mars/Lowell Conference in early May, and I appreciate all the specific plans.  I will start to make my travel arrangements now.


   I hope this weekend to put together for you JPGs of all my Mars sketches from Lick.  I apologize for not getting around to them until now, but I have been extremely harassed professionally.


   Please accept my warm appreciation for finding out the information about the wonderful painting.


   I will be in touch again next day or two.


   All the very best, ever,


® . . . . . . Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2003 15:29:12 -0600

Subject: RE: painting identification


Dear Masatsugu,


   I am starting to send you as JPEGs some of the sketches from my Lick Observatory notebook.  I will send only a few at a time so as not to overwhelm you.  I will follow them with data concerning the observations.

   Yours ever,


  Bill SHEEHAN  (Willmar, Minnesota, USA )


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