From Eric NG
® . .
. . . . .Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 16:47:14 +0800
Subject: 20031213 Saturn
Dear friends,
Attached were the saturn
taken last night, seeing was very bad recently in
could be improved as soon as possible ...
® . .
. . . . .Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2003 12:50:59 +0800
Subject: 20031217 Saturn
Dear friends,
Attached were two saturn
images captured last night.
Seeing was below average and transparency was bad (polluted
air blew from the industrial area in Mainland
® . .
. . . . .Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2003 13:00:04 +0800
Subject: 20031217 Jupiter
Dear friends,
Attached were two Jupiter images captured in this morning.
Seeing was bad before sunrise ... Morning haze reduced the transparency very much ...
Still some projections and festoons could be seen on EZ and
attached on NEB. Hope the sky condition improved!
Anyway, wish you like them.
® . .
. . . . .Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2003 11:39:54 +0800
Subject: 20031221 Jupiter
Dear friends,
Attached two Jupiter shots were captured in this morning.
Seeing sometimes reach 5-6/10 and you can see some interesting features on it.
Especially the dark condensation on STemp region is
distinctly shown and very complex projection and festoons on EZ. The SEB looks
like "broken" into two. In my impression, the intensitiy
of the GRS seems higher than last apparition.
Hope the sky condition will improve further. Wish you like
them. Will post some more images later on.
® . .
. . . . .Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2003 12:27:34 +0800
Subject: 20031221 Saturn
Dear All,
Attached was the Saturn image captured last night. Seeing
was just around average and transparency was low as usual ...
Eric NG (