Contributions from the Institute of Astrophysics and Kwasan Observatory, University of Kyoto 1. Miyamoto, S. Ionization Theory of Solar Corona PASJ 1 (1949) 10-13 2. Miyamoto, S. Dynamical Theory of the Corona and Chromosphere PASJ 1 (1949) 14-17 3. Ueno, S. On the Spectral Sequence of the Stellar Atmosphere, I. PASJ 1 (1949) 59-63 4. Miyamoto, S. and Kawaguchi, I. On the Electron Temperature of the Chromosphere, PASJ 1 (1950) 114-121 5. Ueno, S. On the Spectral Sequence of the Stellar Atmosphere, II. PASJ 1 (1950) 138-154 6. Miyamoto, S. On the Radiation Field of the Planetary Nebulae PASJ 2 (1950) 23-31 7. Ueno, S. and Matsushima, S. On the Convection of the Stellar Photosphere PASJ 2 (1950) 32-44 8. Ueno, S. On the Disappearance of the Continuous Spectrum in the Flash Spectra PASJ 2 (1950) 61-65 9. Hattori, A. On the Reversal Absorption Lines to the Emissions at the Extreme Limb of the Sun PASJ 2 (1950) 66-73 10. Miyamoto, S. On the Ultraviolet Emission of the Chromosphere PASJ 2 (1950) 102-112 11. Miyamoto, S. On the Excitation of Helium in the Chromosphere PASJ 2 (1951) 113-121 12. Ishizu, T. Note on Some Resonance Lines in the Ultraviolet Spectrum of the Sun PASJ 2 (1951) 133-136 13. Miyamoto, S. Radiation Field of Extended Stellar Atmospheres ApJ 113 (1951) 181-192 14. Miyamoto, S. On the Anomalous Excitation of the Chromospheric Hydrogen Spectrum PASJ 3 (1951) 16-23 15. Jugaku, J. On the Radiation Field of the Extended Stellar Atmospheres PASJ 3 (1951) 42-48 16. Miyamoto, S. The Solar Noise from the Coronal Prominences PASJ 3 (1951) 61-65 17. Miyamoto, S. Kinetic Temperature of the Chromosphere PASJ 3 (1951) 67-73 18. Kawaguchi, I. On the Population of the Hydrogen 2nd State in the Chromosphere PASJ 3 (1951) 171-177 19. Miyamoto, S. On the Radiation Field of Be Stars, I. Contribution from the Institute of Astrophysics and Kwasan Observatory, Kyoto University No. 19 (1951) 17-25 20. Miyamoto, S. On the Radiation Field of Be Stars, II. PASJ 4 (1952) 1-10 21. Saigusa, T. Zanstra Effect on the Radiation Field in the Planetary Nebulae with Different Optical Thickness PASJ 4 (1952) 16-27 22. Araki, K. On the Absolute Intensity of the Chromospheric Lines PASJ 4 (1952) 11-15 23. Miyamoto, S. On the Radiation Field of Be Stars, III. PASJ 4 (1952) 28-36 24. Miyamoto, S. On the Emission Spectra of Wolf-Rayet Stars PASJ 4 (1952) 37-43 25. Kawaguchi, I. On the Excitation and Ionization Temperature of Hydrogen in the Chromosphere PASJ 4 (1952) 131-138 26. Ueno, S. On the Continuous Spectra of the Stellar Atmospheres PASJ 4 (1952) 44-51 27. Miyamoto, S. Radiation Pressure and Stability of Early Type Stars PASJ 4 (1952) 91-99 28. Miyamoto, S. Residual Intensity and Contour of the Solar K-Line Zeitschrift fuer Astrophysik 31 (1953) 282-297 29. Hattori, A., Kawaguchi, I., Miyamoto, S. and Saigusa, T. Note on the Optical Thickness and the Temperature of the Planetary Nebula PASJ 4 (1953) 152-156 30. Miyamoto, S. A Relationship between the Emission Line Contour and the Stability of the Atmospheres of the P Cygni Stars PASJ 4 (1953) 157-162 31. Kogure, T. On the Radiation Field of the Wolf-Rayet Stars PASJ 5 (1953) 1-13 32. Kanno, M. On the Radiation Field of Be Atmospheres with Spherical Symmetry PASJ 5 (1953) 14-27 33. Miyamoto, S. On the Interpretation of Shell Spectra PASJ 5 (1953) 28-37 34. Araki, T. Ueber das Erschaffen der Materie und das sich ausdehnende Universum PASJ 5 (1953) 44-47 35. Miyamoto, S. The Atmospheres of the P Cygni Stars PASJ 5 (1953) 55-73 36. Miyamoto, S. Theoretical Contour for the Solar Lyman Alpha Radiation PASJ 5 (1953) 74-87 37. Yada, B. The Effect of Two-Photon Emission on the Radiation Field of Planetary Nebula PASJ 5 (1954) 128-136 38. Kawaguchi, I. On the Contour of the Emission Lines of Hydrogen in the Solar Chromosphere PASJ 5 (1954) 137-141 39. Miyamoto, S. Non-Coherent Scattering and the Contour of Absorption Lines PASJ 5 (1954) 142-153 40. Miyamoto, S. Non-Coherent Scattering and the Blended Lines PASJ 5 (1954) 154-161 41. Miyamoto, S. Non-Coherent Scattering and the Center-Limb Variation of Blended Lines PASJ 6 (1954) 1-8 42. Ueno, S. The Opacity Table of the Model Stellar Atmosphere Contribution from the Institute of Astrophysics and Kwasan Observatory, Kyoto University No. 42 (1953) 1-72 43. Ueno, S., Saito, S., and Jugaku, J. Continous Absorption Coefficients of the Model Stellar Atmosphere Contribution from the Institute of Astrophysics and Kwasan Observatory, Kyoto University, No. 43 (1954) 1-28 44. Yada, B. The Effect of Two-Photon Emission on the Radiation Field of Planetary Nebula PASJ 6 (1954) 76-86 45. Namba, O. On the Excitation of Neutral Oxygen in the Solar Chromosphere PASJ 6 (1954) 87-102 46. Miyamoto, S. On the Calculation of Non-Coherent Contours PASJ 6 (1954) 103-108 47. Araki, K. Numerical Table of the Integral Expressing the Amount of Absorption or Exxxx of the Spectral Lines PASJ 6 (1954) 109-112 48. Saito, S. On the Model Atmospheres of Early-Type Stars, I. Contribution from the Institute of Astrophysics and Kwasan Observatory, Kyoto University No. 48 (1954) 1-23 49. Miyamoto, S. Contours of Strong Fraunhofer Lines PASJ 6 (1954) 140-149 50. Miyamoto, S. Doppler Core and Inner Wing of Strong Fraunhofer Lines PASJ 6 (1954) 150-161 51. Kogure, T. On the Radiation Field of a Nebular Envelope in Accelerative Expansion PASJ 7 (1955) 190-200 52. Koyama, S. On the Stability of Atmospheres of Helium Stars PASJ 6 (1954) 162-172 53. Miyamoto, S. On the Interpretation of the Contours of Strong Fraunhofer Lines Zeitschrift fuer Astrophysik, 35 (1954) 145-158 54. Miyamoto, S. Residual Intensity and Contour of the Solar K Line. II. PASJ 6 (1954) 196-206 55. Miyamoto, S. On the Central Intensity and Doppler Core Width of Infrared Ca II Lines PASJ 6 (1954) 207-216 56. Miyamoto, S. Note on the Interpretation of the Solar Lyman Alpha Radiation PASJ 6 (1954) 229-231 57. Miyamoto, S. On the Calculation of Non-Coherent Contours, II. PASJ 7 (1955) 27-39 58. Ueno, S. The Formation of Absorption Lines by Coherent and Non-Coherent Scattering. I. The Solution of the Equation of Transfer by the Laplace Transform Method Contribution from the Institute of Astrophysics and Kwasan Observatory, Kyoto University No. 58 (1955) 1-36. 59. Namba, O. The Absolute Intensity Scale for Flash Spectrum Lines Memoire of the Osaka University of the Liberal Arts and Education, B. Natural Science, No. 3 (1954) 37-42 60. Miyamoto, S. Collisional Emission Spectra of Cosmic Clouds Zeitschrift fuer Astrophysik, 38 (1956) 245-258 61. Hattori, A. and Yada, B. Hubble's Diagram for Planetary Nebulae PASJ 8 (1956) 40-51. 62. Ueno, S. The Formation of Absorption LInes by Coherent and Non-Coherent Scattering. II. The Solution of the Equation of Transfer by Ambarzumian's First Method Contribution from the Institute of Astrophysics and Kwasan Observatory, Kyoto University No. 62 (1955) 1-18. 63. Ueno, S. The Formation of Absorption LInes by Coherent and Non-Coherent Scattering. III. The Solution of the Equation of Transfer by the Method of Discrete Ordinates Contribution from the Institute of Astrophysics and Kwasan Observatory, Kyoto University No. 63 (1955) 1-19. 64. Ueno, S. The Formation of Absorption LInes by Coherent and Non-Coherent Scattering. IV. The Solution of the Equation of Transfer by the Probabilistic Method Contribution from the Institute of Astrophysics and Kwasan Observatory, Kyoto University No. 64 (1955) 1-22. 65. Ueno, S. The Probabilistic Method for Problems of Radiative Transfer. II. Milne's Problem ApJ 126 (1957) 413-417 66. Ueno, S. The Probabilistic Method for Problems of Radiative Transfer. III. Line Formation by Coherent Scattering Journal of Mathematics and Mechanics 7 (1958) 629-642 67. Ueno, S. The Probabilistic Method for Problems of Radiative Transfer. IV. Milne's Problem with Non-Coherent Scattering Annales d'Astrophysique 21 (1958) 18-25 68. Ueno, S. The Laplace Transform Method for Problems of Radiative Transfer. II. Milne's Problem with Non-Coherent Scattering Annales d'Astrophysique 21 (1958) 71-76 69. Saito, S. On the Model Atmospheres of the Early Type Stars, II. Contribution from the Institute of Astrophysics and Kwasan Observatory, Kyoto University No. 69 (1956) 1-55. 70. Kawabata, S. On the Metallic Ionization in the Extended Atmosphere of Zeta Aurige PASJ 9 (1957) 72-81 71. Miyamoto, S. The Great Yellow Cloud and Atmosphere of Mars. Report of Visual Observations During the 1956 Opposition Contribution from the Institute of Astrophysics and Kwasan Observatory, Kyoto University No. 71 (1957) 1-42. 72. Yada, B. and Osaki, T. The Radiation Field in a Galactic Nebula with HI Envelope. I. PASJ 9 (1957) 82-105 73. Ueno, S. La Methode Probabiliste pour les Problems de Transfert du Rayonnement. Le Probleme de Milne avec la Diffusion Non-Coherente dans les Cas Non Conservatifs Comptes rendus des seances de l'Academie des Sciences 247 (1958) 1314-1316 74. Ueno, S. La Methode Probabiliste pour les Problems de Transfert du Rayonnement. Formation Non-Coherente d'une Raie d'Absorption dans les Modele Milne-Eddington Comptes rendus des seances de l'Academie des Sciences 247 (1958) 3415-3417 75. Ueno, S. La Methode Probabiliste pour les Problems de Transfert du Rayonnement. Formation Non-Coherente d'une Raie d'Absorption dans les Modele Milne-Eddington Comptes rendus des seances de l'Academie des Sciences 247 (1958) 3593-3595 76. Miyamoto, S. Asymmetric Contours of the Ca II K Line PASJ 9 (1957) 146-170 77. Kanno, M., Kawabata, S., and Kogure, T. The Formation of Forbidden Lines in the Out-Flowing Envelopes PASJ 10 (1958) 129-137 78. Saito, S. and Uesgi, A. On the Model Atmospheres of the O Type Stars PASJ 11 (1959) 90-97 79. Saito, S. On the Early Type Model Stellar Atmospheres PASJ 11 (1959) 98-112 80. Namba, O. Note on the Excitation of the Ionized Helium in the Solar Chromosphere PASJ 11 (1959) 50-53 81. Hattori, A. and Yada, B. Optical Observations of the Second Russian Earth Satellite Memoirs of the College of Science, Univ. of Kyoto, Series A, Vol. 29 (1959) 107-139 82. Kogure, T. The Radiation Field and Theoretical Balmer Decrements of Be Stars. I. PASJ 11 (1959) 127-137 83. Kawaguchi, I. On the Emission Curves of Growth of Fe I and Ti II in the Lower Chromosphere PASJ 11 (1959) 138-150 84. Kanno, M., Kawabata, S., and Kogure, T. Note on Zanstra's Temperatures of the P Cygni Stars PASJ 11 (1959) 113-120 85. Jugaku, J. On the Abundance Ratio of Helium to Hydrogen in the Atmosphere of Tau Scorpii PASJ 11 (1959) 161-183 86. Kogure, T. The Radiation Field and Theoretical Balmer Decrements of Be Stars. II. PASJ 11 (1959) 278-291 87. Miyamoto, S. and Matsui, M. Report of Mars Observations During the 1958 Opposition Contribution from the Institute of Astrophysics and Kwasan Observatory, Kyoto University 87 (1960) 1-17 88. Miyamoto, S. On the General Circulation of the Martian Atmosphere Contribution from the Institute of Astrophysics and Kwasan Observatory, Kyoto University 88 (1960) 1-33 89. Ebisawa, S. Planisphere of Mars with the List of the Names of its Surface Markings Contribution from the Institute of Astrophysics and Kwasan Observatory, Kyoto University 89 (1960) 35-48 90. Miyamoto, S. A Geological Interpretation of the Lunar Surface Contribution from the Institute of Astrophysics and Kwasan Observatory, Kyoto University 90 (1960) 1-8 91. Tomita, Y. On the Interpretation of the Fraunhofer Line Na D PASJ 12 (1960) 524-551 92. Osaki, T. The Influence of the Interstellar Grains on the Lyman Alpha Radiation Field in H II Region PASJ 13 (1961) 1-14 93. Kawaguchi, I. Helium Lines at the Extreme Limb on the Solar Disc PASJ 12 (1960) 129-142 94. Yada, B. Study of an H I Envelope in a Galactic Nebula Interpretation of the Spectrum of the Orion Nebula PASJ 12 (1960) 449-512 95. Miyamoto, S. and Matsui, M. Photographic Atlas of the Moon Contribution from the Institute of Astrophysics and Kwasan Observatory, Kyoto University 95 (1960) 96. Miyamoto, S. Magmatic Boiling and Underground Structure of the Moon Contribution from the Institute of Astrophysics and Kwasan Observatory, Kyoto University 91 (1960) 1-6 97. Ueno, S. The Probabilistic Method for Problems of Radiative Transfer. X. Diffuse Reflection and Transmission in a Finite Inhomogeneous Atmosphere ApJ 132 (1960) 729-745 98. Ueno, S. On the Principle of Invariance in a Semi-Infinite Inhomogeneous Atmosphere Prog. Theor. Phys. 24 (1960) 734-740 99. Ueno, S. The S- and T-Functions of S. Chandrasekhar PASJ 12 (1960) 415-419 100. Ueno, S. Stochastic Equations in Radiative Transfer by Invariant Imbedding Method Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2 (1961) 217-222 101. Ueno, S. The Invariant Imbedding Method for Transport Problems II. Resolvent in Photon Diffusion Equation Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol.3, No.2 (1961) 361-372 102. Ueno, S. On the S- and T- Functions of S. Chandrasekhar in Arbitrary Stratification, Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol.4, No.1, (1962) 9-20 103. Ueno, S. On the Time-Dependent Principle of Invariance in a Semi-Infinite Medium, Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol.4, No.1, (1962) 1-8 104. Ueno, S. The Probabilistic Method for Problems of Radiative Transfer. XIII. Diffusion Matrix, Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol.4, No.1, (1962) 21-37 105. Miyamoto, S. and Nakai, Y. Meteorological Observations of Mars During the 1960-61 Opposition, Contributions from the Institute of Astrophysics and Kwasan Observatory, University of Kyoto, No.105 (1961) 1-49 106. Miyamoto, S. Erosion the Surface of Mars, Contributions from the Institute of Astrophysics and Kwasan Observatory, University of Kyoto, No.106 (1961) 1-6 (Reproduced from The Strolling Astronomer, Vo.15, No.1-2, Jan.-Feb. 1961, pp.23-26) 107. Kogure, T. The Radiation Field and Theoretical Balmer Cecrements of Be Stars. III., PASJ 13 (1961) 335-360 108. Kogure, T. and Osaki, T Stationary Shock Waves in a Plane Stellar Atmosphere. I. The Structure, PASJ 13 (1961) 250-262 109. Ueno, S. On the Diffusion Matrix of Radiative Transfer, Annals d'Astrophysique 24 (1961) 352-358 110. Uesugi, A. Non-Coherent Scattering in a Semi-Infinite Inhomogeneous Atmosphere, PASJ 14 (1962) 102-108 111. Osaki, T. The Thermal Equilibrium in High-Excitation Planetary Nebula, PASJ 14 (1962) 111-146 112. Uesugi, A. Non-Coherent Scattering for Blended Lines, PASJ 14 (1962) 147-152 113. Kogure, T. and Osaki, T. Propagation of Shock Waves in Inhomogeneous Medium, PASJ 14 (1962) 254-264 114. Uesugi, A. Note on the Resolvent of the Auxiliary Equation for Non-Coherent Scattering, PASJ 14 (1962) 322-323 115. Hattori, A. The Heat Balance on the Surface of Mars, Memoirs of College of Science, Univ. of Kyoto, Series A, Vol. XXX (1962) 129-135 116. Saigusa, T. Optical Thickness of the Planetary Nebulae and Temperature of the Central Stars, Memoirs of College of Science, Univ. of Kyoto, Series A, Vol. XXX (1962) 137-159 117. Uesugi, A. Atmospheric Models of White Dwarfs, Memoirs of College of Science, Univ. of Kyoto, Series A, Vol. 30 (1962) 161-192 118. Kawabata, S. On the Atmosphere of the Late-Type Component of Zeta Aurigae-Type Stars, Memoirs of College of Science, Univ. of Kyoto, Series A, Vol. 30 (1962) 205-244 119. Koyama, S. Extreme Ultraviolet Solar Emission Lines and the Transition Layer Between the Chromosphere and the Corona, PASJ 15 (1963) 15-34 120. Uesugi, A. On the Generalized Scattering and Transmission Functions in Radiative Transfer, PASJ 15 (1963) 266-273 121. Ueno, S., Bellman, R. and Kalaba, R. Invariant Imbedding and Time-Dependent Diffuse Reflection by a Finite Inhomogeneous Atmosphere, ICARUS 1 (1962) 191-199 122. Bellman, R., Kalaba, R. and Ueno, S. Invariant Imbedding and Diffuse Reflection from a Two-Dimensional Flat Layer, ICARUS 1 (1963) 297-303 123. Yamaguchi, S. On Turbulent Thermal Convection. Derivation of Spectrum Equations and the Spectrum in Inviscid and Non-Conductive Case PASJ 15 (1963) 412-427 124. Miyamoto, S. Meteorological Observations of Mars During the 1962-63 Opposition, Contributions from the Institute of Astrophysics and Kwasan Observatory, University of Kyoto, No.124 (1963) 1-80 125. Miyamoto, S. Observational Study on the General Circulation of Mars, Contributions from the Institute of Astrophysics and Kwasan Observatory, University of Kyoto, No.125 (1963) 81-88 126. Hedervari, P. A Theory about the Internal Composition and Development of the Moon, Contributions from the Institute of Astrophysics and Kwasan Observatory, University of Kyoto, No.126 (1963) 1-16 127. Uesugi, A. An Interpretation of Photon Diffusion Process, Annals d'Astrophysique, 26 (1963) 263-278 128. Ueno, S. Diffuse Reflection of Radiation by a Planetary Atmosphere. I., Contributions from the Institute of Astrophysics and Kwasan Observatory, University of Kyoto, No.128 (1963) (451-458?) 129. Ebisawa, s. Some Problems in Mars Mapping, Contributions from the Institute of Astrophysics and Kwasan Observatory, University of Kyoto, No.129 (1963) 1-14(or17?) 130. Tsubaki, T., Tominaga, S., Kubota, J. and Kawaguchi, I. Photometry of the Innermost Solar Corona Observed at the Total Solar Eclipse of February 5, 1962., I. General Corona and Polar Ray, PASJ 16 (1964) 13-22 131. Nakai, Y. and Kubota, J. New Solar Telescope and Spectrograph Installed at the Kwasan Observatory, Memoirs of College of Science, Univ. of Kyoto, Series A, Vol. 30 (1964) 323-332 132. Bellman, R., Kalaba, R. and Ueno, S. On the Diffuse Reflection of Parallel Rays by an Inhomogeneous Flat Layer as a Limiting Process, Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol.7, (1963) 91-99 133. Bellman, R., Kalaba, R. and Ueno, S. Invariant Imbedding and Time-Dependent Diffuse Reflection of a Pencil of Radiation by a Finite Inhomogeneous Flat Layer-I, Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol.7, (1963) 310-320 134. Kawaguchi, I. Effect of the Ultraviolet Radiation on the Ionization and Excitation of Matter in Prominences. I. Effect of Lyman Continuous Radiation on Hydrogen Atoms, PASJ 16 (1964) 86-103 135. Miyamoto, S. Morphological Features of the Libratory Region of the Moon, Contributions from the Institute of Astrophysics and Kwasan Observatory, University of Kyoto, No.135 (1964) 1-16 136. Aroesty, J., Bellman, R., Kalaba, R. and Ueno, S. Invariant Imbedding and Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol.50, No.2, (1963) pp.222-226 137. Miyamoto, S. and Hattori, A. Photographic Atlas of the Moon, Contributions from the Institute of Astrophysics and Kwasan Observatory, University of Kyoto, No.137 (1964) 138. Miyamoto, S. Maria Surface of the Moon, Journal International Lunar Society, Vol.2, No.5, (1964) 131-136 139. Miyamoto, S. Thermal Stability of the Chromosphere and Spicule, PASJ 17 (1965) 127-135 140. Bellman, R., Kalaba, R. and Ueno, S. Invariant Imbedding and Time-Dependent Scattering of Light in a One-Dimensional Medium, Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 9 (1964) 424-432 141. Miyamoto, S. Meteorological Observations of Mars During the 1965 Opposition, Contributions from the Institute of Astrophysics and Kwasan Observatory, University of Kyoto, No.141 (1965) 1 142. Miyamoto, S. Martian Atmosphere and Crust, ICARUS 5 (1966) 360-374 143. Miyamoto, S. Morphological Aspects of the Lunar Crust, ICARUS 3 (1964) 486-490 144. Kawaguchi, I. The Effect of Ultraviolet Radiation on the Ionization and Excitation of Matter in Prominences. II. Continuous Spectra, PASJ 17 (1965) 367-377 145. Miyamoto, S. Morphological Aspects of the Lunar Crust II, ICARUS 4 (1965) 421-424 146. Ueno, S. A Probabilistic Approach for Scattering of Light in Slab Geometry I, Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 11 (1965) 11-19 147. Bellman, R., Kagiwada, H., Kalaba, R. and Ueno, S. On the Identification of Systems and the Unscrambling of Data II. An Inverse Problem in Radiative Transfer, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol.53, No.5, (1965) pp.911-913 148. Bellman, R., Kagiwada, H., Kalaba, R. and Ueno, S. Inverse Problems in Radiative Transfer : Layered Media, ICARUS 4 (1965) 119-126 149. Tsubaki, T. Photometry of the Innermost Solar Corona Observed at the Total Solar Eclipse of February 5, 1962. II. Fine Structures os the Coronal Condensation, PASJ 18 (1966) 1-6 150. Kanno, M. A Model of the Upper Chromosphere with Spicule Structure, PASJ 18 (1966) 103-115151. Kawaguchi, I. On the Widths of Balmer Emission Lines in Prominences PASJ 18 (1966) 362-373 152. Uesugi, A. Photon Escape Probability PASJ 18 (1966) 437-444 153. Matsumoto, M. The Functional Equations in the Radiation Field, I. Monodirectional Illumination of the Upper Surface PASJ 18 (1966) 445-455 154. Matsumoto, M. Duhamel's Principle in the Internal Radiation Field PASJ 18 (1966) 456-465 155. Yamaguchi, S. Convective Growth Rates in the Case of Varying Superadiabatic Gradient Memoirs of the College of Science, Unversity of Kyoto, Series A, vol.31 (1967) 153-160 156. Hirata, R. and Uesugi, A. Balmer Decrements in Hydrogen Emission Line I. Memoirs of the College of Science, Unversity of Kyoto, Series A, vol.31 (1997) 199-239 157. Hasegawa, Y. and Uesugi, A. An Approximate Expression for Nongray Temperature Distribution Memoirs of the College of Science, Unversity of Kyoto, Series A, vol.31 (1967) 303-309 158. Yamaguchi, S. Convective Instabilty in a Layer of Varying Superadiabatic Gradient PASJ 19 (1967) 20-29 159. Mastsumoto, M. Functional Equation in the Internal Radiation Field II. PASJ 19 (1967) 48-54 160. Matsumoto, M. Diffuse Reflection and Transmission in a Finite Inhomogeneous Atmosphere with a Reflecting Bottom Surface PASJ 19 (1967) 55-61 161. Matsumoto, M. The Functional Equations in the Internal Radiation Field III. Time-Dependent Monodirectional Illumination PASJ 19 (1967) 163-171 162. Kawaguchi, I. On the Dome Formation in the Corona Aroud a Prominence Observed at the Total Eclipse of 15 February, 1961 Solar Physics 1 (1967) 420-436 163. Nakai, Y. The 60-Centimeter Equatorial Reflector at the Kwasan Observatory Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyoto University, Series of Physics, Astrophysics, Geophysics and Chemistry, vol.32 (1967) 1-16 164. Tominaga, S. Models of the Transition Region Between Chromosphere and Corona Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyoto University, Series of Physics, Astrophysics, Geophysics and Chemistry, vol.32 (1967) 50-71 165. Matsumoto, M. Diffuse Reflection and Transmission of Time-Dependent Parallel Rays by a Finite Inhomogeneous Atmosphere PASJ 19 (1967) 434-453 166. Matusmoto, M. Time-Dependent X-and Y-functions PASJ 19 (1967) 454-467 167. Tsujita, J. Diffuse Reflection and Transmission by an Inhomogeneous Infinite Cylindrical Region PASJ 19 (1967) 468-475 168. Matsumoto, M. Duhamel's Principle in the Two-Dimensional Radiation Field PASJ 19 (1967) 519-534 169. Miyamoto, S. Meteorological Observations of Mars during the 1967 Opposition Contr. Inst. Astrophys. Kwasan Obs. Univ. Kyoto, No. 169, 1-35, 1968. 170. Miyamoto, S. Mantle Convection and Selenological Histories Contr. Inst. Astrophys. Kwasan Obs. Univ. Kyoto, No. 170, 1-11, 1968. 171. Miyamoto, S. Progress of Dark Waves and the Friction Layer of the Martian Atmosphere ICARUS 7 (1967) 360-364 172. Bellman, R., Kagiwada, H., Kalaba, R. and Ueno, S. The Invariant Imbedding Equation for the Dissipation Function of a Homogeneous Finite Slab Quarterly of Applied Mathematics vol.25 (1967) 304-305 173. Bellman, R., Kagiwada, H., Kalaba, R. and Ueno, S. Chandrasekhal's Planetary Problem with Internal Sources ICARUS 7 (1967) 365-371 174. Bellman, R., Kagiwada, H., Kalaba, R. and Ueno, S. Invariant Imbedding Equations for the Dissipation Functions of an Inhomogeneous Finite Slab with Anisotropic Scattering. Journal of Mathematical Physics vol.8 (1967) 2137-2142 175. Matsumoto, M. The Solution of Milne's Problem by Duhamel's Principle PASJ 20 (1968) 186-189 176. Tadokoro, M. A Study of the Local Group by Use of the Virial Theorem PASJ 20 (1968) 230-238 177. Tsujita, J. The Scattering and Transmission Functions in a Two-Layered Atmospere PASJ 20 (1968) 270-278 178. Matsumoto, M. Duhamel's Principle in the Nonstationary Radiation Field Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications vol.2 (1968) 445-457 179. Kubota, J. The Spetra of the Lower Balmer Lines in Dark Filaments PASJ 20 (1968) 317-336 180. Matsumoto, M. Diffuse Reflection and Transmission of Time-Dependent Collimated Light by a Finite Inhomogeneous Atmospere PASJ 21 (1969) 1-14 181. Tsujita, J. The Imvariant Imbedding Equation for the Dissipation Function of an Infinite Inhomogeneous Cylindrical Shell PASJ21 (1969) 15-20 182. Mizuno, S. and Nishida, M. On the Structure of the Outer Solar Convection Zone PASJ 21 (1969) 121-127 183.Miyamoto, S. Morphological Study of Lunar Crust ICARUS 9 (1968) 440-445 184. Miyamoto, S. Meteorological Observations of Mars during the 1969 Opposition Contr. Inst. Astrophys. Kwasan Obs. Univ. Kyoto No.184 (1970) 1-63 185. Kurokawa, H., Tominaga, S., Kubota, J. and Kawaguchi, I. The Flash Spectrum Observed at the Total Eclipse of February 5, 1962 PASJ 21 (1969) 141-166 186. Casti, J.L., Kalaba, R. and Ueno, S. Reflection and Transmission Funcion for Finite Isotropically Scattering Atmosperes with specular reflectors J.Quant.Spectrosc.Radiat.Transfer. vol.9 (1969) 537-552 187. Uesugi, A. and Tsujita, J. Diffuse Reflection of a Searchlight Beam by slab, Cylindrical, and Spherical Media PASJ 21 (1969) 370-383 188. Ueno, S., Kalaba, R., Kagiwada, H. and Bellman, R. Some Mathematical Aspects of Multiple Scattering in a Finite Inhomogeneous Slab with Anisotropic Scattering PASJ 22 (1970) 75-83 189. Uesugi, A. and Fukuda, I. A Catalog of Rotational Velocities of the Stars Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyoto University, Series of Physics, Astrophsics, Gephysicis and Chemistry vol.33 (1970) 205-250 190. Bellman, R., Kagiwada, H., Kalaba, R. and Ueno, S. Diffuse Reflection of Solar Rays by a Spherical Shell Atmosphere ICARUS 11 (1969) 417-423 191. KUbota, J. and Leroy, J.L. A Study of Monochromatic Images of Solar Prominence in the Light of HeI D3 and HeII 4686 Lines Astron. & Astrophys. 6 (1970) 275-287 192. Gruschinske, J. and Ueno, S. Bellman's New Approach to the Numerical Solution of the Auxiliary Equation in a Spherical Medium. PASJ 22 (1970) 365-371 193. Kawaguchi, I. Observed Interaction between Prominences PASJ 22 (1970) 405-412 194. Matsumoto, M. A New Derivation of a Decomposition Formula Journal of Mathematical and Physical Sciences vol.3 (1969) 393-397 195. Chamaraux, P. and Tadokoro, M. On the Intergalactic Gas in the Local Group of Galaxies PASJ 23 (1971) 117-119 196. Ishizawa, T. The Effect of External Radiation on Emission-Line Intensity PASJ 23 (1971) 121-122 197. Ishizawa, T. Emission-Line Intensities of the CaII Atoms from a Finite Atmosphere PASJ 23 (1971) 75-97 198. Ueno, S. Solution of the Restricted Two-Level Line Formation Problem PASJ 23 (1971) 239-245 199. Iwasaki, K. A Non-Gray Greenhouse Model and Microwave Absorption in the Atmosphere of Venus PASJ 23 (1971) 387-397 200. Kawaguchi, I., Oda, N. and Mizuno, S. Observation of a Smoke Ring on October 30, 1970 Solar Physics 22 (1972) 140-141 201. Nakayama K. Metallic Abundances in the Solar Chromosphere. Publ. Astro. Soc. Japan, 24 (1972) 177-199 202. Kubota J., Tamenaga T., Funakoshi Y. and Kureizumi T. A Bright Arch of April 24, 1971. Publ. Astro. Soc. Japan, 24 (1972) 281-286 203. Tsubaki T., Kurokawa H. and Kanno M. 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