
最終更新 : 2002 March 22

1999 年度 タイトル一覧

講演者(敬称略) タイトル リファレンス
4 5 ----- 春休みのため休会 -----
- 12 天間 "Banded Convection in Rotationg Fluid Spheres and the Circulation of the Jovian Atmosphere" J.B.Manneville and Peter Olson
[Icarus, 122, 242-250 (1996)]
- 19 高津 NOAA8323における水平方向速度場
--- LCTM の検証方法 ---
- 26 川上 "A Search for Vector Magnetic Field Variations Associated with the M-class Flares of June 1991 in AR6659" Hagyard,M.J., Stark,B.A. and Venkatakrishnan,P.
[Solar Phys. 184, 133-147, (1999)]
5 3 ----- 祝日のため休会 -----
- 10 久保田 "The Sun's Variable Radiation and its Relevance for Earth" Judith Lean
[Ann. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 35, 33-67 (1997)]
- 17 石井 コロナループの温度構造の話 Dawn D. Lenz et al.
(the Rapid Release ApJ Letters, 1999 April 8)
[ApJ. 517L, 155-158 (1999)]
- 24 牧田 "High-Resolution Studies of the Solar Polar Magnetic Fields" J.R.Varsik, P.R.Wilson and Y.Li
[Solar Phys. 184, 223-237, (1999)]
- 31 吉村 "Temporal Evolution of Fine Structures in and around Solar Pores" SOBOTKA, MICHAL et. al.
[ApJ. 511, 436-450, (1999)]
6 7 大山 "Comparison of two coronal mass ejections observed by EIT and LASCO with a model of an erupting magnetic flux rope" B. E. Wood, M. Karovska, J. Chen, G. E. Brueckner, J. W. Cook, and R. A. Howard
[ApJ. 512, 484-495 (1999)]
- 14 真柄 "Photospheric Magnetic Reconnection and Canceling Magnetic Features on The Sun" Yuri E. Litvinenko
[ApJ. 515, 435-440x (1999)]
- 21 黒河 "Three-dimensional Stereoscopic Analysis of Solar Active Region Loops.
I. SOHO/EIT Observations at Temperatures of (1.0-1.5)x10^6 K"
M. J. Aschwanden et al.
[ApJ. 515, 842-867 (1999)]
- 28 森本 "3-D magnetic configurations supporting prominences (3)
Evolution of fine structures observed in a filament channel"
G. Aulanier et al.
[A&A 342, 867-880 (1999)]
7 5 ----- 特別講義のため休会 -----
- 12 平下 恒星風の多波長観測 Lamers
[Ap&SS 260, 63-80 (1998)]
- 19 ----- 夏休みのため休会
*** Cheng さんの講演は中止になりました ***
8 - ----- 夏休みのため休会 -----
9 6 Li Hui Magnetic Field Evolution leading to Solar Flares -----
- 13 Peter Sturrock Coronal Heating: Is it the Result of Chromospheric Processes? -----
- 20 武田 トルコ日食観測報告 -----
- 27 柴田 "Observation of quasi-periodic compressive waves in solar polar plumes" and related two papers
Slow mode MHD waves are discovered in polar coronal holes by SOHO/EIT.....
C.E.DeForest and J.B.Gurman
[ApJ. 501, L217-220 (1998)]
10 4 當村 "On the Doppler Shifts of Solar Ultraviolet Emission Lines" H.Peter and P.G.Judge
[ApJ. 522, 1148-1166 (1999)]
- 11 ----- 振替休日のため休会 -----
- 18 早川 火星の地形解析について
  1. "The Global Topography of Mars and Implications for Surface Evolution"
  2. "The Mars Observer Laser Altimeter Investigation"
  1. [SCIENCE 284, 1495-1501]
  2. Zuber, M.T. et. al.
    [JGR 97, 7781-7797 (1992)]
- 25 高津 LCTMによる活動領域の対流構造
--- 私自身の研究より ---
11 1 川上 "Evidence for Non-Potential Magnetic Fields in the Quiet Sun" M.F.Woodard and Jongchul Chae
[Solar Phys. 184,239-247(1999)]
- 8 Dr. K.P. Raju Supergranulation Scales -----
- - Dr. G.E. Vekstein Plasma heating by magnetic reconnection:
how it may work in the solar corona
- 15 Numerical Simulation of Solar Flares Chen,P.F. et al [ApJ. 513, 516-523 (1999)]
Chen,P.F. et al [ApJ. 520, 853-858 (1999)]
- 22 石井 "The Radial and Angular Variation of the Electron Density in the Solar Corona" P.T.Gallagher, M.Mathioudakis, F.P.Keenan, K.J.H.Phillips, and K.Tsinganos
[ApJ. 524, L133-137 (1999)]
- 29 久保田 サイクル23の極大値の予測について --- (未定) ---
12 6 牧田 1958年フラッシュスペクトルの解析 (参考文献)
Suemoto & Hiei [PASJ. 14, 33- (1962)]
Hiei [PASJ. 15, 277- (1963)]
Suemoto [PASJ. 15, 531- (1963)]
Ishigawa [PASJ. 23, 75- (1971)]
- 13 吉村 "Coronal Loop Oscillations Observed with the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer" Aschwanden et al.
[ApJ. 520, 880-894 (1999)]
- - A.Sterling CME -----
- 20 ----- 冬休みのため休会 -----
- 22 ----- 忘年会! 19:00 より 「志ぐれ」(円山公園内)にて
1 10 ----- 冬休みのため休会 -----
- 17 中串 Radiative transfer equation の解法(続)
  1. "The optical thickness of the blue-white cloud near Nix Olympica of Mars in 1982"
    Akabane,T., K.Iwasaki, Y.Saito, and Y. Narumi [PASJ,39,343-359,(1987)]
  2. "Radiative Transfer"
    (Dover, 1960)
  3. "A numerical experiment on Chandrasekhar's discrete-ordinate method for radiative transfer: Applications to cloudy and hazy atmospheres"
  4. "A new look at the discrete ordinate method for radiative transfer calculations in anisotropically scattering atmospheres"
    Stamnes,K., and R.A.Swanson
  5. "A new look at the discrete ordinate method for radiative transfer calculations in anisotropically scattering atmospheres. II: Intensity computations" Stamnes,K., and H.Dale
  6. "The delta-M method: Rapid yet accurate radiative flux calculations for strongly asymmetric phase functions" Wiscombe,W.J.
- 24 Newly Emerging Flux and Its Coronal Response
  1. "Continual expansion of the active-region corona observed by the YOHKOH Soft X-ray Telescope"
    Uchida,Y et al.
    [PASJ, 44, L155 (1992)]
  2. "Shrinkage of Coronal X-Ray Loops"
    Wang,J., Shibata,K., N.Nitta, et al.
    [ApJ, 478, L41 (1997)]
- 31 真柄 "Radio Tracking of a White-Light Coronal Mass Ejection From Solar Corona to Interplanetary Medium" M.J.Reiner, M.L.Kaiser, S.P.Plunkett, N.P.Prestage & R.Manning
[ApJ, 529, L53-56 (2000)]
- - 黒河 太陽定点観測衛星(L5ミッション)の紹介 -----
2 7 中川 義通 (茨城大) 軟X線ジェットの磁場に関する定量的解析 -----
- - 野澤 恵 (茨城大) 並列 MHD シミュレーションのための PC Cluster の作成 -----
- 14 秋岡(通総研) 宇宙天気予報研究の現状と太陽定点観測衛星計画 -----
- - 王 同江 (Wang Tong Jiang)
Observational studies of the magnetic field in solar active regions
--- the build up and release of magnetic energy
- 21 ----- 特別講義のため休会 -----
- 28 ----- リコネクション研究会のため休会 -----
3 6 胡 友秋 (Y.Q.Hu) (University of Science and Technology of China) A 2.5-D Ideal MHD Model for Coronal Magnetic Flux Ropes Abstruct
- - 森本 フィラメント消失とコロナアーケイド形成の相関について 修士論文
- 13 武田 "Two-Temperature Coronal Models from SOHO/EIT Observations" Zhang, J.; White, S. M.; Kundu, M. R.
[ApJ, 527, 977-991 (1999)]
- 20 ----- 春休みのため休会 -----
(世話人 : 石井 貴子)


浅井 歩(