Last Name First Name Topic Title
Forbes Terry 3, 2, 1 Energy Transfer in Solar Flares
Hara Hirohisa Hinode X-ray and EUV Observations of the Sun
Hudson Hugh White-light flares and why the chromosphere is different from the ionosphere
Isobe Hiroaki Magnetic reconnection in solar atmosphere:three-dimensional evolution and fine structures
Krucker Säm Coronal Hard X-ray Sources in Solar Flares: new RHESSI results
Kusano Kanya The role of magnetic reconnection in the onset of solar flares and CMEs
Fletcher Lyndsay The solar flare electron number problem - time for a new acceleration scenario?
Linton Mark 2 Post-CME Reconnection and the Generation of Descending Coronal Voids
Okamoto Takenori Discovery of cool cloud-like structures in the corona with Hinode Solar Optical Telescope
Poedts Stefaan Numerical simulations of the initiation and the IP evolution of coronal mass ejections
Reeves Kathy 2,3 Observations of Solar Flares and Eruptive Events With the X-Ray Telescope on Hinode
Schmieder Brigitte 2,1 Coronal loop and chromospheric ribbon motions during slip-running reconnection
Shibata Kazunari Introduction to Solar Flares: Questions from Solar Physicist
Su Yingna Shear Motion Of The Footpoints In Two-Ribbon Flares
Wang Haimin 2 Evolution of Photospheric Magnetic Fields associated with Solar Flares

Last Name First Name Topic Title
Akasofu Syun Longstanding Unsolved Problems in Solar Physics and Magnetic Physics.
Fujimoto Masaki Towards more realistic full particle simulations of magnetic reconnection: Effects of density jump across a current sheet
Kan Joe Storm and Substorm Driven by Magnetic Reconnection in the Plasma Sheet
Kataoka Ryuho Acceleration mechanisms of radiation belt electrons during magnetic storms driven by CMEs and CIRs
Kikuchi Takashi
Kondoh Koji 3, 2 Three dimensional configuration of earthward fast plasma flow in near-Earth plasma sheet
Ogino Tatsuki Response of the Earth's Magnetosphere to the Strength and Rotation of IMF
Omura Yoshiharu Relativistic Turning Acceleration of Resonant Electrons by Coherent Whistler-Mode Waves in a Dipole Magnetic Field
Otaka Kazuhiro (no talk)
Raeder Joachim On measuring the reconnection rate in magnetosphere simulations
Rostoker Gordon The Role of Substorms in Influencing Types of Space Weather That Have Damaging Consequences
Shimizu Tohru MHD study of three-dimensional instability and plasmoid ejections of the spontaneous fast magnetic reconnection
Summers Danny 3 Wave-particle interactions in the Van Allen radiation belts with implications for space weather science
Ugai Masayuki 2 Modeling of substorms and flares by the fast reconnection mechanism
Yumoto Kiyofumi 2 Substorm onsets obtained from satellite and ground-based observations

Last Name First Name Topic Title
Chen James Driving Force of CMEs: Acceleration and Propagation
Gopalswamy Natchimuthuk 3,(4) Halo Coronal Mass Ejections and their Geoeffectiveness
Gosling John 2, 3 Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Wind and Within ICMEs
Kamei Satomi 3 Development of global simulation model of the Heliosphere
Marubashi Katsuhide Impacts of a torus model on the geometry of magnetic clouds
Oka Mitsuo Particle Acceleration by Shocks
Tsurutani Bruce Interplanetary Disturbances and General Space Weather Problems
Wu ST Coupling the photosphere and corona using a data-driven 3D MHD model

Last Name First Name Topic Title
Bhattacharjee Amitava 2, (1,3) Role of Collisionless Reconnection in Flares and Substorms: a Comparative Study
Yamada Masaaki Study of Physics of Magnetic Reconnection in Laboratory and Space Plasmas