Kwasan and Hida Observatories, Graduate School of Schience, Kyoto University English Home page
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Papers about CHAIN
01. "Chain-Project and Installation of the Flare Monitoring Telescopes in Developing Countries"
S.UeNo et al.
Bull. Astr. Soc. India, vol.35, pp.697-704, 2007

02. "A Solar Station for Education and Research on Solar Activity at a National University in Peru"
J.K.Ishitsuka et al.
Bull. Astr. Soc. India, vol.35, pp.709-712, 2007

03. "The CHAIN-Project and Installation of Flare Monitoring Telescopes in Developing Countries"
S.UeNo et al.
Data Science Journal, vol.8, pp.51-58, 2009

04. "Continuous H-alpha Imaging Network Project (CHAIN) with Ground-based Solar Telescopes for Space Weather Research"
S.UeNo et al.
African Skies, Issue 14, pp.17-20, 2010

05. "Un Observatoire dans la Region de Aures" (in French)
African Skies, Issue 14, pp.44-46, 2010

Papers about 3D Velocity-field Measurement
01. "A Method for the Determination of 3-D Velocity Fields of Disappearing Solar Filaments"
T.Morimoto and H.Kurokawa
PASJ vol.55, pp.503-518, 2003

02. "Eruptive and Quasi-Eruptive Disappearing Solar Filaments and Their Relationship with Coronal Activities"
T.Morimoto and H.Kurokawa
PASJ vol.55, pp.1141-1151, 2003

Papers about Moreton Wave
01. "Relation between a Moreton Wave and an EIT Wave Observed on 1997 November 4"
S.Eto et al.
PASJ, Vol.54, No.3, pp.481-491, 2002

02. "Simultaneous Observation of a Moreton Wave on 1997 November 3 in H-alpha and Soft X-Rays"
N.Narukage et al.
Astrophysical Journal, Volume 572, Issue 1, pp. L109-L112., 2002

Go to [paper-list] related with the FMT
Kwasan Observatory
17 Ohmine-cho Kita Kazan, Yamashina-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto, 607-8471
Tel:+81-75-581-1235 FAX:+81-75-593-9617
Hida Observatory
Kurabashira, Kamitakara-cho, City of Takayama, Gifu, 506-1314
Tel:+81-578-6-2311 FAX:+81-578-6-2118
Observatory's office of affairs
Oiwake-cho Kita-shirakawa, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto 606-8502
4th floor in the #4 Build. of faculty of Science
Tel:+81-75-753-3893 FAX:+81-75-753-4280
Webmaster: webmaster(at)
Copyright 2005, Kwasan and Hida Observatories, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University.
All rights reserved.